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It was the post season testing and I, as many other juniors, would be driving instead of another driver, in my case it was Perez whom got to sit that one out. I was sitting in my car comfortably napping before the start of testing while the mechanics were making last minute adjustments to the car when I was suddenly, and rudely, startled awake by someone pounding their hand on the top of my helmet.

"Wake up sleepy head"

Slightly groggy and newly-woken-grumpy I blinked a few times and went to rub my eyes, only have my fist met with the cold plastic surface of the visor. Grumbling to myself I pulled up the visor and the proceeded to rub my eyes, momentarily forgetting about whoever woke me up from my slumber.

"Won't that ruin your makeup?"

Right- that was who woke me up, I turned my head to look up at the tall man looking down at me gesturing with his hands to mimic curling his eyelashes, clearly mocking me.

"Not wearing any, too messy" I mumbled like a grumpy kid with sleep still evident in my voice. The man in question, my engineer just shook his head with a smile, too used to my antics to care.

Markus is a kind man, a kind tall brunette Brit with kind brown eyes and a contagious smile that could make anyones knees go weak. Him and I go way back, ever since I was around fifteen I had hung around the RedBull motorhome. Partly because I was driving in formula 4-2 and was a RedBull academy driver but mostly because I had a huge crush on him.
Mark is not only kind but also funny and quick witted and stupidly good at his job, a trait I have always adored. It is unfair really, how he best good looks, a good personality and a scary big intellect.

Though he never gave my juvenile attempts at getting with him any time of day since he as always viewed me as a kid and in some ways I think he still does. I'm glad though, he is way to old for me.
Like fucking Gandalf or something.

"Well good, and now that you are awake can you please bless us on the team by actually driving the car for a bit so that we can gather some data." Oh god that accent, yummy. Oh gross I did not just call him yummy, ugh.

"You mean test driving?" I squinted my eyes slightly, cringing at the fact that my accent comes out when I am tired or upset. The Swedish accent is not very pleasant, at least not to me. English and Swedish have completely different types of intonations.

"No I mean pushing the car around the track- yes test driving  you dunce" He rolled his eyes at me and facepalmed his forehead with his ring adorned right hand.

"Well I don't have my steering wheel so I can't really drive anywhere at the moment" I shrugged up at him, looking down at my gloved hands for a brief second not really caring that my hands were starting to get slightly clammy.

"Yes you do it is literally laying at the base of the halo you stupid"
He smiled while shaking his head at my distortion while pointing at the base of the halo. Markus is way to used to my stupidity to really react to anything, he is almost scarily calm most of the time. I suppose that is necessary, being my race engineer and all.

"You can be stupid you fucking stupid stupid" I murmured while blinking my eyes a few times to wake up and then grabbing and attaching the steering wheel to it's spot in front of me.

It had a shit ton of buttons and I only know the function of about three fourths of them. Every team- or scratch that, every drivers steering wheel looked different and had different functions. Or well I knew what they did just was not sure I would remember it under high pressure situations. The fact that I was not really completely familiar with the steering wheel made me a little nervous since I would soon be driving faster than 300 km/h with it. I mean I had obviously driven the simulator a substantial amount of times but still- scary.

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