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Three months later.

It was the first race of the season and the night before qualifying so of course me, Lando, Kevin and some of the other drivers were out clubbing. It is a tradition that Kimi had made sure was deeply instilled in me, getting drunk and killing the nerves is a must before every race in his book. Going out and partying before a race is something that is heavily debated between the drivers, about half of us think it is fine as long as you don't over do it whereas the other half heavily frown upon it. Both sides are totally understandable but I myself have never been good with nerves so it was a necessity for me to take the edge off. As long as I limited myself and made sure that I would not be too hung over the next day not even my team manager or performance coach cared about it. Though limiting yourself and taking it easy was not something that could be said about every driver, some were really just careless richboys that drove in crooked circles for a living and they sure partied it up like it.

The lights in the club were dimmed to the point where facial features were blurred, the music was blasting so loud that I could barley hear my own thoughts and I was highly inebriated and it felt great.

I was standing behind the Dj booth next to Lando who somehow always managed to sneak his way up there. No matter the club, occasion or original Dj; he always took the opportunity, quite the show monkey. He loved the attention and the crowds loved him, quite the match made in heaven actually.

Lando was really a decent Dj but he was most definitely not good enough to where he would be playing in all different clubs all over the world if not for his fame. He got opportunities other, more experienced, DJs could only dream about. But who could blame him?

He had his arm lazily slung around my shoulder and turned his head to shoot me a drunken toothy grin accompanied by a wink before transitioning the music to another song.

He looked so focused and happy that I could not help but take my phone out of my little black purse and snap a picture off him. His curls were a little messy from him shaking his head and me ruffling them and his forehead was a slightly sweaty, though his eyes were my clear favorite.

They were literally glittering under the neon colored led lights and his smile was so contagious it's sickening. Lando is pure joy, maybe not to himself but to me he is this bright yellow light of happiness. Ever since I have known him he has never not once failed to make me smile, he really is just a great guy to be with. He always makes it a point to make others smile and he has this natural spark about him.

I shook my head with a smile, he never really changed his set, mostly just playing the same songs over and over again. The reasoning behind it was very straight forward: he only knew one set list, eight songs and seven transitions. Not that anyone would say anything I guess, the people clubbing were always either too drunk to notice, too starstruck or too careless. Just the way I like it. If anyone did notice they probably didn't care, I mean who could be a snarky bitch to Lando when he looks so happy and proud of his Dj skills.

I sang along to the song and he once again turned his head to me while mouthing the lyrics back at me, leaning his forehead toward s me until it almost touched mine. For a moment I found myself getting lost in the moment, swaying to the music and smiling at my best friend.

To someone on the outside this might have been seen like a very boyfriend girlfriend type of situation out but we both know that it is not the case. Appart from the occasional hookup me and Lando were strictly platonic. We spent way too much time with each other to care enough to be romantic. And we also saw way to many flaws of each other for it to be conventional to be lovers. The work it would take us to make a relationship just wasn't worth it when we were so happy with just being friends.

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