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I have always been a party girl. Something about the loudness and feeling of freedom and rush never fails to draw me in. The fluidity of the people huddling close to dance to a beat and the heat of the booze manifesting itself on my cheeks. And not to forget the boys, man do I love a good flirt. I almost always enjoy my routine: getting ready, going out, getting drunk, dancing, flirting and bringing a attractive man home with me before kicking him out in the morning and giggling as Vanessa has to chase them down with a NDA.

My outings almost always follow that same exact pattern. Doing everything in the same order and by the same standard gives me a sense of control, something I always crave greatly. Ask anyone that knows me and they would tell you I am a bit of a control freak, not about everything but there are aspects of my life that I just can not leave up to chance.

While partying and having one night stands might not be something most people would put at the top of their lists of importance it most definitely is top five in mine. I do not even really know why that is, I just know that it has been for a while now, longer than most people would think.

My taste for one nighters has definitely given me a reputation, I don't know how many times I have been on the front pages of different gossip magazines where they speculate in and pick apart my dating life. Loosers.


"Lando I swear I will literally tell everyone that you still bite your nails if you don't stop rushing me!" I'm standing in front of the huge brightly lit mirror situated in the master bathroom of my suite trying to finish my makeup.

Lando has been up my arse about leaving for about forty minutes and his constant whining is staring to wear me down. I have tried everything to block him out: Cranking up the music to block him out, closing my eyes and going to a happy place and even throwing stuff at him. To my great dismay none of the above worked and he is currently standing with his face about two millimeters away from mine while making ticking noises to mimic a clock.

"That's unfair, you're the one being slow" he pouts before going back to the ticking.

We are running a bit late, that I will admit but I see no problem with it. First of all I am always late and second the partying tonight will be to my honor. Christian insisted on making a reservation for an entire floor on the city's best club so that the entire RB team and any other racing related people can party, and I quote "their asses of without being exposed to the media". The thought makes me grin, me and Kevin as a combination over the latest two races have made for some media havoc. We tend to enhance each other's God complexes when were drunk, we'll do anything from backflips from bar tops to anything stupid you can imagine. And with the amount of clubs allowed to sell and serve alcohol in Bahrain it would not be very hard for the fans to find us, had Christian not rented the entire floor.

"I swear I am not kidding I will go live on instagram right now" I start reaching for my phone but he just snatches it away.
"Okay fine fine you win! Just hurry" he rolls his eyes and takes a seat on the edge of the huge jacuzzi bathtub behind me with a huff. "It is actually so unfair that you get a hotel room this big and Zak won't even get me a room with a decent view." I smile once again, "Well Christian needs something to blame the cost cap breaching on, the whole catering excuse is getting old" Lando really has one of those really contagious smiles. He just looks so genuinely boyishly happy that it almost makes me feel sick.

I set down my mascara onto the counter and lean closer to the mirror in order to give my make up a closer look, I look hot. I have kept my make up really natural but still very bronzed and glowy. Since I kept my base natural I paired it with a slightly more dramatic eye look. I used dark brown eyeshadow to create a Smokey eyeliner type of look. Deciding that I will be dancing until I drop tonight I reach for my settingspray and give myself another layer before turning around to face Lando. "Want some?" He pretends to think for a few seconds, we all know Lando doesn't think. Before pushing off the edge of the bathtub and nodding his head. "But you tell no one" He brings up his pointer finger to my chest and gives it a poke for good mesures. My grin only grows, he always enjoys a good face mist but would never ever admit to it, he claims it would stain his manly reputation.

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