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This sucks.
I have been stuck at this boring FIA beginning of the season gala for what feels like an eternity. The night started off with the mandatory red carpet where me and Max were forced to stand next to eacother and smile  while I was trying not to throw up from the heavy smell off douchebag radiating from him and then when we got inside we were seated at once so we could listen to the many many speeches. They were all equally dull and lacking of any real substance.
So wonderful.

My placement sucks. I'm right in between Max and Christian which leaves no room for me to mess around. I would honestly rather rip off all my French manicure acrylic nails one by one than have a conversation with Max and anytime I tried chatting with Christian he just smiles and shushes me. This is like sitting between the weird wolf kid and the teachers pet in school.

After about ten different welcome speeches we are finally released to mingle around before dinner will be served.
God bless America, or Monaco more like but still.

I get up from the very uncomfortable chair and smooth down my dress. It is made out of white silk and is floor length with an open back that reveals my entire back. The dress is wonderful, it is form fitting so it hugs my curves and gives me a great ass and it complements my now tan skin.
Thank god for fake tan.
My jewelry is as usual very simple in order to keep it elegant. Rather big flat gold earrings and a thin also flat golden necklace and matching bracelet. My rings are clad in delicate golden rings to match.

My hair is kept in a very elegant updo with fragments of hair framing my face. Having an updo was tonight's obvious choice since my dress would be backless and I wanted to wear big earrings.

Whenever I take a big step you can just about get a glimpse of my white and gold door heels. My love for shoes is just about unmatched by anything and these are totally to die for.

I swear Vanessa has a silk fetish because it is all she has been dressing me in recently.

Not bothering with further pleasantries with Max and Christian I immediately start to make my way to the bar, the not free bar.

The FIA are way to rich to not provide us with free alcohol, they are bad hosts and hostesses.

Since this is a work event I do not order my usual shots but instead opt for a espresso martini, booo boring I know. While waiting for my drink to be made I turn my back to the bartenders and start scanning the room to se if I can spot someone that is; Hot, up for grabs and somewhat likable. To my great dismay I find none. Kev and Mick are both talking with Gene Haas, Dani, Pierre and Yuki have all been cornered by Christian, Lando looks absolutely miserable as Zak Brown shows him off to potential sponsors and the rest are lost in the crowd.

I turn back around and one  of the bartenders hands me my drink, giving me a kind smile. He looks genuine. Kind blue eyes and a soft smile with dimples, dirty blond hair and long eyelashes.

"Thank you, can you please open up a bill for me and put it on that? Emmy Vilde, thanks"

I smile and sip the drink, nodding at the taste. Giving the room another once over I sigh in content, let's just say I am not jealous of the others being shown off like animals at an auction.

Cheers to me I guess

I tap the bottom of the expensive crystal glass against the top of the bar before downing the remaining part of it.

"That is not how you drink a martini you know"
The cute bartender gives me a boyish grin while cocking an eyebrow.

"Figures, but that's my way"

"I'm Elliot by the way, nice to meet you"
He winks at me, is this boy not at work or what?

"Well then Elliot, will you be a darling and make me another drink? Show off and make me a really impressive one" I can never really help myself but flirt with boys, and mock them.

"Sure. How old are you? Just making sure" He starts to pour different things into a shaker, throwing the bottles around and just like I suggested; showing off.

"I'm 19 soon to be 20"
I am just waiting for him to drop something.

"Ain't that a bit young to be racing?"

"Not if you have a really rich racing dad that is more than happy to pave the way for you"

At this he just shakes his head with a smile, shaking his head.

"Most people wouldn't admit to that"

"It's the truth" I shrug. " And also no amount of money would ever be enough to buy me a f1 seat if I wasn't any good" I am in no way shape or form ashamed of my parents wealth, we may be old money but that is not my fault.

"Touché" He slides me a glass of what looks like rhubarb mojito and I can not help but chuckle a little.

"I ask for a show off drink and you give me a mojito?" A amused smile dances across my face as he looks into my eyes.

"Pretty drink for a pretty girl, and you should not be drinking heavy stuff while working" He winks at me once again.

"Says the one flirting with a customer, Because I'f that isn't the case you should really go see a doctor for your eye spasms" Damn those fucking eyes.

"Whoa whoa no flirting here I hope- actually Emmy come on I'm introducing you to the haas team" I flinch slightly as Kevin suddenly appears from behind me, slinging an arm around my shoulder and practically dragging me away from the bar with the cute guy.

"You should know better than that Em, we are working and he- is way below your league " I just shake my head and place my hand on top of his as it rests in-front of my right shoulder.

Authors note:
Life is kicking my arse right now so here you guys have a quick happy little extra. I'm thinking about maybe making the next chapter be a bit longer, maybe twice as long as they usually are.

Hope you are well xoxo <3

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