Reality or .......

Start from the beginning

"You kidding me right? U crash and step back, not crash and hug dude. You better stay away from my daughter buddy. I will crack your bones if I find you touching her like this again! Get it?" He threatened.

I I winced. Oh dear God! Did he realise something? Damn!

"Sam?"  I tried again, but he refused to listen, he was on a roll. " Liam, I think it time you left, you need to finish your work, tie all the loose ends and then when you come back, I'd honestly prefer you get yourself a girlfriend. Get on with your life you know." He spoke and all I could hear was the underlying warning and the feeling that I was unwanted in his family, that I no longer had a place here.

"Sam?" I choked, they are my only family.

"I have to protect my children Liam, Lily also needs to be protected, not only from you, but also from the circumstances in your life. I honestly didn't like the way I saw you guys ten minutes back. Kindly understand a father's feeling. He spoke and I could only nod, he was right ofcourse. But that didn't stop me froom feeling awful, from feeling alone. What was I to do?

"Leave tomorrow morning Liam." He whispered then clapped his hand on my shoulder and walked out. I stood there, stunned, leave? tomorrow morning! Just like that, leave... tomorrow morning.. leave...

"Liam?" Baby, you okay?" Lily, I could hear my Lily, I could feel her arms around me, holding me tight, her lips kissing the top of my head, her soft voice crooning in my ear but somehow being close to her hurt me more. I had to leave. I was cursed, I could never ever be with my girl.

I had to leave; leave tomorrow.


Lily's POV:

"I have to leave; leave tomorrow." He kept on saying. sI don't know what had happened but my heart broke into a million fragments. What had happened to him? He was white, as if he was facing his personal demons and he knew for sure he would lose.

I held him in my arms, let my love for him seep into him. I kissed his head, and ruffled his hair, but nothing distracted him from his fears. They were closing in on him, drowning him, taking him away from me. For every moment he was in pain, I could sense him losing us, I could sense him leaving me. 

In that moment in time, my soul knew it would be losing its better half. It was time for my soul mate to leave me. I knew it. Just as I know my own heart, I knew his. He would leave me. He felt he had no choice. The question now was, would I allow him, should I let him go, should I stop him, or try?

"Liam, get up, come on love, its going to be alright baby." I whispered as I tried my best to heft him, "Come, lets get you to your room."  But he shrugged me off and staggered out, shaking his head, muttering about leaving, about being cursed and alone. 

"LIAM!" My heart cried for him, but I remained silent. Hot tears scadled my face but I didn't call him back. I had heard whatever dad told him, and I hated myself for it. It was because of me that he would have to leave. 

Suddenly, he turned and looked at me, "Why did you scream?" He whispered. 

"But I haven't spoken Liam." I whispered back and he smiled, a sad smile, but a smile nonetheless. Then, as if playing a piano next to his ears, he gestured saying he heard me, then he gestured to his heart and back to his ears. He had heard my heart, just like I could hear his. I could no longer bear this seperation and ran towards him, into his arms.

"Liam," I whispered amid sobs, as his arms tightened their hold on me, his warm breath made me feel loved, " Babe, he whispered in my ear, I have to leave. But remember, I have always been thinkiing about you, I will be ..." He choked and I couldn't, just couldn't stand this anymore. 

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