He again chuckled...

Pranav: give me your mobile..

I: huh..

Pranav: just give me once..

I gave him..

Pranav: oh wow already 10 messages.. good..

I felt little embarrassed..

Pranav: do you know what is this app..

He showed me some app in mobile..

I nodded horizontally..

Pranav: it's a tracking app.. he can know your location by this.. it's connected to his mobile..

I: what..

He sighed..

Bade ma: pranav don't tease your sister like that.. rushi it's just for your safety.. don't worry.. he is just bluffing..

I: really...

Pranav: may be..

I felt uncomfortable... but I let it be..

Suddenly my mobile started to ring. It's mom...

I excused myself and answered the call..

I told mom I will tell all details after I come there...

Later all said good night and left me and grandpa in garden..

I: hmm grandpa can I know.. how my parents died...

Grandpa: "that day we all are in function hall for your first birthday.... as your father and mother are famous in business world so many people are invited... only your aunt is there with your mother to help her in getting ready. But we never expected that horrible accident to happen.. after accident we got call from hospital that your parents were died.. then we digged it deep..

Your mom felt dizzy and your father took her to hospital but in the middle some truck hit them and car hit a big rock and flames ignited... the information reached the hospital and police they arrived buy everything is over your parents no more breathing.. but the thing was you were not found in the car. We searched the area and found you at some distant.. no not you may be some baby.. we check the cctv but as it is normal road no cctvs are available... we checked the surveillance cameras in home.. but no use they are already tampered..

We asked every guard if suspicious act going at that time but no one said anything..

We asked your aunt also she said only your mother not feeling well.. she didn't said that they left you with her.

Everything was planed by your dad.. we all know your parents death is not accident it's pre-planned... but we got no evidences. Your uncle i mean surya reached your home first then asked about your parents and got a call from your father telling that breaks are not working... surya told your aunt to hide you. Then he tried to know your parents location but already accident happened..

He managed to get a baby to replace you through his influence.. and tampered the cctv.. your uncle already know the murderer... I got to know this information recently after knowing about your existence.."

I am just feeling like I am listening some mysterious story.. is my dad really a detective or what.. if dad knows who is the murderer then wjy he is hinding is the culprit someone close to him..

But what i understood is... my mom felt dizzy for some reason and their car breaks already removed.. so if they went hospital or some where or to venue of my birthday.. accident will happen.. so.. its planned.. if they went to venue then i will be there.. but luckily my mother felt dizzy and i was left with aunt..

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