Chapter 11: Rebirth- 6 BBY

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Yo used the Force to break the ground, tearing out rocks and dirt until a space was open. He then placed Val, frozen in a block of carbonite, into the ground and began filling in the borders.

Jakeb watched as the process was completed. He looked around, seeing dozens of others buried in the same manner. "Why are they buried like that?"

"It's an ancient tradition," Yo mumbled. "It's meant to preserve the bodies, having them stare out into the stars for all eternity."

"Why are we burying Mom like that?"

Yo shrugged. "Where else would we put her?"

Once the process was complete, they stood for a few minutes, paying their respects. Jakeb shed tears, but Yo held a stoic expression on his face. Eventually, Yo began walking in the opposite direction of the ship.

"Where are you going?" Jakeb yelled, catching up with him.

"Stay with the ship," Yo demanded. "I'm visiting someone."

"I'm coming with you. I don't feel safe being alone," he insisted.

Yo sighed. "Very well. Stay close."

Jakeb trailed behind him as they walked through rows of bodies, dimly lit by the stars above. He tried not to look at the faces, keeping his head low.

After some time, they stumbled upon the grave of a man with white hair pulled back into a bun, plated chest armor, and a long scar down his fear-stricken face. Jakeb cocked his head in curiosity, as most of the dead had blank expressions. That must mean...

Yo threw the lightsabers into the ground and began carving a block around the body. He broke the ground around him and lifted the block and dropped it in front of him.

"Who's this?" Jakeb whispered.

Yo pressed a few buttons on the side of the block, activating the process of unfreezing. The man lit up orange as the carbonite faded away, eventually allowing him to fall from his shell.

Kota groaned as he rolled on the ground, trying to get his bearings. "Where am I... What happened..."

"I have woken you up," Yo replied.

"I know that voice...," Kota said, teeth clenched. "You're the assassin Vader sent to kill me! What have you done? Where are my troops?"

"Dead, I assume," Yo said bluntly. "That was ten years ago."

The man swung his head around, blinking constantly. "You froze me, didn't you..."

"I did."

"Why? Why not kill me?"

Yo remained silent. "I don't know. But I need you now."

"You attacked me. Killed my men. Took ten years from me!"

"If I hadn't spared you when I did someone else would've killed you," Yo insisted. "I saved your life, that means you owe me."

"I don't owe you anything, you arrogant child!" He rubbed his eyes, trying to see. "If you expect me to serve you, you might as well finish me off now."

"I need your help to murder Vader!" Yo shouted. Kota when silent. "That is what you want, right?"

He remained silent, until finally uttering, "Yes. But that seems impossible."

"Not with your help. We have two trained Jedi, both equally matched in their abilities. We can defeat him and end his reign of terror." Yo sighed. "It's all I have left."

Jakeb looked down.

"Do we have a deal?" Yo asked, offering his hand.

Kota took a deep breath. "I still don't trust you."

"Do you trust my rage?"

"Unfortunately, I do." Kota took his hand and shook it. "Where do we start?"

"I need to drop this one somewhere." Yo motioned towards Jakeb. "It's too dangerous for him."

"I can help!" he exclaimed. "You can teach me so you can have a third Jedi to help!"

"Absolutely not," Yo shot back. "You are going somewhere safe where you can remain until you are old enough to leave."

"But I want to be with you!" Jakeb cried. "Why are you pushing me away? Why can't you be the father I need?"

"You don't want me to be your father, trust me," he responded. "And neither do I." He turned to Kota. "Let's get back to the ship."

Without another word, Yo began marching towards the ship, Jakeb sulking behind him.

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