Chapter 5: Under Cover of Darkness- 6 BBY

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For the next two days, Jakeb would walk down to the edge of the city and watch the Jedi's apartment. He wanted so badly to sneak up there again, but after what his mother had said he was far too frightened.

What if he wasn't his father? What if he was?

He didn't know which option scared him more.

Eventually after some time of seeing no movement, he would walk back to his house. He tried a couple times knocking on Niles' door, to no avail.

However, today was different.

Niles opened the door just a crack, barely enough to see through. Once confirming it was Jakeb, he pushed him through and shut the door behind him.

"What are you doing out on the streets?" Niles demanded.

"What are you doing ignoring me?" Jakeb shot back. "I've tried knocking but I've heard no reply."

"Do you remember what happened, Jakeb? We were almost killed by troopers and then by a freak with a lightsaber!"

"That freak saved our lives!"

"No, he let us go so he could prey on us later. He tried to use a mind trick on us! It almost worked until I snapped out of it when I got back." Niles was pacing back and forth. "This city won't be safe until he's gone. That's why I alerted the Empire."

Jakeb's heart dropped. "You did what?"

"He could be a Jedi! We're never going to be safe with a Jedi here!"

"You're wrong about him. We were going to be executed and strung up like Old Badge if he didn't step in."

Niles shook his head. "It's too late. They're coming and they're going to get rid of the Jedi like the vermin he is."

Jakeb swallowed hard. "You've damned us all." He pushed past Niles and went out the door, breaking into a sprint. He needed to warn the Jedi before the Empire got here...


Jakeb stopped and slowly turned to look in the sky. A large ship, a Star Destroyer, had come out of hyperspace. From the belly of the ship, Tie Fighters came flying out, whistling through the air towards the city.

"Dank farrik," he murmured before continuing to sprint to the edge of the city. He could see the shadow of the Ties' looming over him...

After some time, he had reached the Jedi's apartment. He scaled the wall as quick as he could and pulled himself in.

"Hello?" he called out. He breathed hard, scanning the room. "You have to get out of here!"

The sky went dark behind him. He peered out the window to see the Star Destroyer directly over the city.

"Mom...," he whispered.

Adrenaline pumping fast, he climbed down and began running to his mother's home. Many people were piling into the streets to see what the commotion was about, creating obstacles for him. He tried pushing through without disturbance, but he was interrupted by the descent of a ship into the town square.

Four large metal legs came out and braced the impact on the ground. Smoke bellowed out as a door slid open, accompanied by footsteps. The city went silent in anticipation of their visitors.

Four stormtroopers marched out, taking their places on either side of the door. Out of the smoke slithered a tall woman covered in all black, wearing a black mask, a cape waving behind her. She had no legs, only standing on an elongated tail.

Jakeb felt the hairs stand on his neck. This couldn't be the man in the picture, but his instinct warned him of danger.

The woman walked out onto the street and put her hands behind her back.

"What are you doing here, Inquisitor?" a brave soul shouted from the crowd.

The woman lifted her hand as the man was dragged out from the crowd. She flicked her fingers up, lifting the man the air.

"I'm here to kill a Jedi," she hissed. Her voice was sharp and snakelike, muffled by the helmet. She pulled out a device with a handle with a circle of metal around it. "Have you heard anything about that?"

The man shook his head repeatedly. "No! Nothing!"

"Not good enough!"

The Inquisitor activated the device, a red blade erupting from the handle. The crowd gasped and stumbled back. She swung the lightsaber and cut through the man's waist, making his legs fall to the ground as he cried out. She let the rest of him fall to the ground, letting him crawl a few feet until succumbing to his wounds.

She pointed the lightsaber at the crowd. "Where is the JEDI!"

Jakeb stepped forward, pulling out the lightsaber and activated it. It hummed as the crowd went silent. 

"Don't hurt anyone else!" he demanded, trying to stand up straight and hide his fear. "I'm the one you came for!"

"No!" Jakeb looked over to see his mom amidst the crowd, mortified.

The Inquisitor began laughing to herself. "You're a Jedi, little boy?" She stepped forward, making him shuffle backward. 

"Stand back!"

"Where did you find that lightsaber?" she hissed, circling around him. "Did someone give it to you? A Jedi, perhaps?"

"I stole it from a Jedi, after I killed him!" he shouted, his voice starting to shake. His composure was breaking.

"I seriously doubt that," the Inquisitor taunted, successfully making a circle around him. "Since you're not playing along, maybe the loss of your legs will make you a bit more... agreeable."

The Inquisitor struck, Jakeb lowering his lightsaber to block it. He did, but stumbled backwards at the impact. She swung again, disarming him. He fell backwards and lifted his hands in defeat. 

"Pathetic." She lifted her weapon in the air.

"He's not the Jedi you're looking for."

She stopped, as suddenly the crowd was turning to look behind Jakeb. He craned his neck to see who it was. It was the man who had saved him, his gray cloak floating in the breeze. His finger was on the mechanism that allowed him to speak.

"I am."

The Inquisitor slithered away from Jakeb. "Prove it."

The man pulled out his lightsaber, igniting the purple blade. 

She glanced down at Jakeb, then back at the man. She moved to stab him, but the man dragged him out from under the blade, just as it struck the ground. She looked up at him, snickering.

"Kill everyone in sight," she said to the stormtroopers, who raised their weapons. "Continue until the Jedi surrenders or dies."

The four stormtroopers aimed at the crowd as they began to disperse, screaming. They began firing into the crowd as the man suddenly ran forward. He pulled the blue lightsaber to him and jumped, landing between the four stormtroopers and swinging the blades back, decapitating them.

The Inquisitor reached out her lightsaber. "So be it, Jedi." 

She leapt over to him, swinging down at him. The Jedi lifted his blades and caught her saber in a lock. She ignited a second blade and began spinning her lightsaber, clashing with his. He stepped backwards, swinging at her and trying to break through the spin.

Jakeb watched in awe as the two battled. He was entranced by it until he heard his name. He looked over to see his mother crying out for him.

He ran toward her, seeing she was on the ground. 

"It's okay, Mom, I'll get you out of here," he said. He tried to help her up but she cried out in pain. He examined her body until he saw a fresh blaster wound in her stomach. She smiled at him softly, the color of her face draining.

"Get out of here. I'll be fine..."

"No. I won't leave you." He shook his head repeatedly, picking her up in his arms. "We'll both make it out of this. I promise." He feigned a smile and began carrying her away, tears swelling in his eyes and the clashing of lightsabers sounding behind him.

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