Chapter 6: Promised Land- 17 BBY

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Yosiah buried the shovel in the rocks and flung it over his shoulder. He repeated this action until a grave was dug to the perfect size for a body.

It had been two years since Order 66, and Yosiah Shaha was in hiding.

"Be secret, but be strong... we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge," Kenobi had said in his message to the Jedi. Yo clung onto that thought for two years, hoping this "new hope" would come soon.

In the meantime, he had his job grave digging on the carbonite moon of Marilek. 

People would send their dead loved ones to be frozen in carbonite and preserved on the surface of the moon. All across the surface were bodies and faces, staring into the skies with eyes on stone.

Yo had long gotten used to the unpleasantness of it. He had seen so many die in his life that a dead body might as well be a block of stone to him. Laen's face, however, was an image that he couldn't escape.

After a long day of hard labor, he returned to his quarters and flipped through channels on his holo-radio, listening for any sign of remaining Jedi. One day, he stumbled upon a hidden message on an old Republic frequency:

"Calling all surviving Jedi... We are banding together to rebuild the Jedi Order and take down the dreaded Empire. We are assembling on the planet Naboo at these coordinates." They began listing coordinates as Yo scrambled to write them down. "Come quietly and come alone."

The radio went back to static.

Is this a trap? Yo wondered. He contemplated the options he had. He could remain in hiding, watching the years go by with the spark of hope fading, or he could go to the coordinates and either die or find other Jedi survivors.

He began packing his things, his decision made.

He walked in front of a cracked mirror, looking at his disfigured face. He wanted so badly to return to Val, but he knew she wouldn't stand to look at him. It was easier for her to think that he was dead, as opposed to living with a freak like him.

Yo pulled the hood over his head and began heading to his ship, leaving his belongings behind, knowing it was a one way trip either way.

He embarked on his journey, plugging in the coordinates and going into hyperspace. Within a few hours he approached Naboo, slowing to a stop and drifting toward the planet, landing on its surface near a small temple.

Maybe it's not a trap? he thought.

He used the Force to open the door just enough for him to squeeze through. He could feel the Force inside the temple as he walked, but it only grew darker the deeper he went. He progressively became uneasier as he traveled, until he came to a stop.

The hairs on his neck stood up as he slowly turned around. Behind him was a dark silhouette, standing close to seven feet tall, towering over him.

"Welcome, Jedi," the man said in a deep, robotic voice. He breathed slow and heavy as he took steps toward him.

"Who are you?" Yo said, grabbing for his lightsaber. He looked him up and down as he walked forward, revealing his machine-like suit. "What are you?"

"I am your doom."

The man ignited his lightsaber, flooding the room with red light. Yo turned on his lightsaber and swung it at him. The man broke the swing with a strike, making Yo stumble backwards. Yo tried moving quickly, sending a barrage of attacks which the man easily blocked. He thrust his arm out, hitting Yo with a blast of force which sent him flying into the wall. A contraption closed around him, containing him in a closed off cylinder. He recognized the beep sounds and the lights shining around him...


The last thing he remembered was a mist rising around him, making him freeze still.

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