Chapter 38

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Opening my eyes, I slowly sit up on the bed, hissing slightly as I feel a dull ache in my head. It's a relief that the throbbing is not intense as it had been last night.

I turn to the side, intending to take the bottle of water from the bedside table to drink, but find the bottle to be empty.

Sighing, I climb down from the bed with the bottle in my hand.

As I am about to walk to the door, I see Manik entering the room with a tray of breakfast in his hand.

"How are you feeling now, Nandini? Do you still feel dizzy?" He asks me, but continues speaking without letting me reply. "I did talk with the doctor just a while back and she told me you should not feel dizzy after waking up. She has also advised to take you to the hospital for the checkup if the dizziness persisted. That is why I am asking you.

"If we need to go to the hospital, it is better you eat something first, then take your medicine that doctor has given for your headache, and then we will go."

Keeping the tray on the table at the side of the room, he steps closer to me and leads me to sit on the couch in front of the table.

"Why are you not saying anything, Nandini?" He frowns at me. "Tell me. Have you been feeling dizzy after waking up."

I only shake my head, feeling my eyes tear up due to his concern for me. 

"That's good then. We will not go to the hospital, but I will call the doctor here in the evening. Just to be sure there is nothing to be worried about," he says.

"Here." He forwards the glass of juice toward me. "Drink it first."

"Mom has also prepared this oatmeal for you. Although we know you prefer spicy breakfast, today this bland oatmeal and fruits will have to do. Mom has specifically instructed me to sit with you until you finish your breakfast. Actually, she wanted to bring it by herself, but she and Dad have gone to the temple to pray for your well-being. They will be back after a while."

I take a few sips of the juice, before putting it back on the tray.

As I look at the bowl of oatmeal on the table, I feel a single tear slide down my cheek. "Mom made this for me? And she and Dad have gone to the temple to pray for my well-being?"

Manik puts a finger under my chin, tilting it to make me face him. He searchingly looks into my teary eyes. "Why are you crying?"

Without saying anything, I scoot closer to him and hug him. Then, unable to control myself, I break into sobs in his arms.

"What happened, Nandini? Is something the matter? Why are you crying?" He asks, soothing running his hand up and down my arm.

When I feel slightly burning pain over my arm when Manik touches me there, I wonder for a second about the reason behind it. But the very next moment, when I remember....

Immediately pushing Manik back, I stand up from the couch and run to the bathroom. In my hurry to get beneath the shower, I do not even close the door after entering.

Turning the shower on, I feel the cold water cascade down my body, seeping through the clothes I was wearing and wetting my body.

I begin scratching the side of my jaw, trailing my hand and furiously rubbing my fingers over the skin where that man had touched me.

"Nandini, what happened? What are you doing?"

Hearing Manik's alarmed voice, I still, stopping to scratch my skin for a moment.

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