Chapter 8

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Third Person’s POV

Nandini looks around in awe as she enters the mall with Manik.

She has never been to such a place in her life.

When she was a child, her parents used to buy clothes for her. They used to take Vivek with them for shopping, but never her.

And after she grew up, they used to give up just enough allowance to buy basics. So, she could only afford to buy things from the market. She never came to such a fancy place because she never had the budget.

Vivek used to tell her he would take her shopping after he gets the first salary from his first job after completing his MBA. But before that could happen....

Nandini shakes her head, blinking back the tears that come unbidden to her eyes at her brother's memory.

"What do you want to buy? Let's get this over with so we can return home," Manik says to her rudely, and Nandini sighs.

"Umm, it's ok. We can return now. I have clothes that I can wear to go to the office. I don't need anything now," she lies.

She does not have any formal clothes to wear, but she can buy them from the market at a lower price.

She had sold the jewelry given by her parents and had gotten about three lakhs from that.

She has left the major portion of that in her suitcase back at Manik's house and has brought only twenty thousand with her.

She had felt it would be enough for her to buy 3-4 formal dresses and two pairs of shoes.

'But all the shops here look so expensive. I don't think I can even buy one dress with twenty thousand rupees, let alone four dresses and two pairs of shoes.' She feels dismayed by that thought.

"Mom has specifically told me that you should have more shopping bags than we can carry when we return home. She would surely want to see what you bought. So, please, let's just go and do it soon. I don't have the whole day to roam around with you." Saying that, Manik turns and enters a shop, leaving no choice with Nandini other than to follow him.

Entering the shop, Nandini gasps as she sees a vast collection of beautiful dresses hanging around.

She slowly walks inside and touches the dresses, feeling their softness under her hands. Just by touching them, she realizes they must be of the best quality. So much so that she is almost hesitant to keep touching them, not wanting to cause any creases on them.

Manik looks at Nandini, exploring the shop, touching the dresses with a slight smile on her face.

He knew she liked the dresses because he could see how she looked at them. And the gentle way she was touching them.

He feels a pinch in his heart when she suddenly wipes her hands with her shawl before touching the dress the mannequin was wearing.

The soft, innocent smile and the awe on her face makes her look adorable. It is as if she is seeing and doing all this for the first time.

He has a meeting in about four hours, and he wants to reach home in about three hours so he can get ready for that, but now, looking at her explore with such subtle excitement which she is trying to hide, he does not have the heart to tell her to stop.

'Why the hell am I being thoughtful towards her?' Manik wonders, and shaking off that thought, he is about to walk toward Nandini to tell her to hurry, but he stops when a salesgirl approaches Nandini.

"Ma'am, I think you have come to the wrong place," the girl says, making him frown.

He also notices the way she is looking down at Nandini.

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