Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

Seated at the dining table, Siddharth, Nishitha, and Manik are waiting for Nandini to bring the sweet dish she has made in the house for the first time.

"Mom, is it really necessary for me to taste that dish? I am getting late for the office," Manik says, tapping his fingers impatiently on the dining table.

Nishitha sighs when she hears her son. "You got married just yesterday, Manik. First of all, I don't understand why you can't take a few days off from the office so you can spend some time with Nandini.

"And second, yes, it is important that you taste that dish. Nandini is your wife now, and she will feel bad if her husband does not taste the first dish she made at her in-laws' house."

"Your Mom is right, Manik. Why are you going to the office, anyways? I had told you to take two weeks off after your wedding," Siddharth adds, looking at Manik.

"I can’t take two weeks off, Dad. We have so many new deals on the way. I need to be present in all the meetings for those deals as I had been overlooking all those projects," Manik lies, knowing he cannot give the real reason to his parents.

After all, how will he say that he is not taking any day off because Nandini and this wedding mean nothing to him? He only got married to take revenge on Myra and Raghav.

"It is our own office, Manik. I don't think you need to be physically present at the office. You can work remotely and talk with the staff when needed.

"That way, you can spend some time with Nandini and also remotely supervise the projects and see if the employees needed any help with the projects," Siddharth tells Manik, and Nishitha too nods.

Both of them expectantly looking at their son, hoping he would agree to stay back and spend some time with Nandini so the newly weds can slowly become comfortable around each other.

Manik gazes at his parents' expectant faces. He tries to think but is unable to come up with any excuse to give them to avoid staying home and spending time with Nandini.

Thankfully, he is saved from answering his parents when Nandini walks out of the kitchen, carrying a bowl of Kheer in her hand.

Keeping the bowl on the table, she fills the serving bowls one by one and serves them to Siddharth, Nishitha, and Manik.

"The Kheer is delicious, Nandini," Siddharth praises Nandini, putting another spoonful in his mouth, and she smiles at him.

"Yes. It is absolutely delicious. So creamy and flavorful," Nishitha also praises Nandini’s dish as she continues eating.

But both Siddharth and Nishitha frown as they see Manik uninterestedly eating the Kheer and not saying even one word to praise his wife’s first cooked dish.

"Manik, won't you say anything? The Kheer is delicious, isn't it?" Nishitha probes Manik to praise Nandini, but he just sighs.

"It is alright, Mom. Too sweet for me, actually," Manik replies, and Nishitha feels bad when she sees Nandini's smile falter due to it.

"That's it, Manik. This type of insensitive behavior will not be tolerated. You are married now, and you need to understand your responsibilities toward your wife," Nishitha says to Manik sternly.

"That is why you are not going to the office today. You will be taking two weeks off and going on your honeymoon with Nandini," Siddharth adds, his voice solemn and firm.

Feeling the anger rise within him, Manik is about to tell his parents he will not be going anywhere with Nandini, but he stops when Nandini starts speaking before he can.

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