Chapter 23

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"I was thinking Nandini and I should go to the upcoming office party as a couple. It will be the perfect event to let everyone know she is my wife," I tell my parents, smiling as they nod thoughtfully.

This might be a cheap shot, involving my parents to make Nandini come with me to the party, but I don't care.

Anything to stop her from going to the party with anyone else.

"I agree with you, Manik. I think we should let everyone know about our daughter-in-law now. We didn't hold a reception party after your wedding because you did not want your marriage to be a big affair. But I am glad to see you ready to introduce your wife to the world," Dad tells me.

I contemplate for a second after hearing what Dad said because I realize this will significantly impact my and Nandini's lives.

There will be media at the party too, and if I announce Nandini being my wife, not only Samrat and my employees but the whole world will know about it.

Would it be fair to make such a decision without telling Nandini about it?

I am still thinking about it when Mom starts speaking. "Did you talk with Nandini about it? She had said she did not want anyone in our office to know she was your wife. Did she also change her decision?"

"I have not asked Nandini yet," I reply, about to elaborate further when I hear her voice.

"Not asked me what, Manik?"

I see Nandini walk toward where we were seated in the living room, a mild curiosity marring her face.

"Manik wants to introduce you as his wife at the upcoming office party, Nandini. I think it's a great idea, too," Dad tells her, and I notice the instant change on Nandini's face.

Where there was a mild curiosity a second back, there is only disbelief and anger now.

Still, she schools her expression and starts speaking. "But, Dad. I don't want that. Everyone in the office will start getting conscious in front of me if they get to know I am their boss's wife. I don't want that to happen."

Hearing Nandini's tight voice, I understand she is trying to contain her anger in front of my parents.

"But that's bound to happen one day, Nandini. After all, you are Manik's wife, our daughter-in-law, and everyone in the office is eventually going to know that," Mom says, and Nandini's angry mask slips for a second, something akin to hurt flashing through her eyes.

"I know it will happen eventually, but I don't want it to happen now, Mom. I have just started working at the office and have made some friends. I don't want my relationship with Manik to make awkwardness seep into our friendship."

"If you feel that way, we can hold back the announcement for a few more months. Maybe we can host another party after a few months to introduce you as Sisodiya's daughter-in-law when you are ready," Mom says to Nandini and turns at me. "Right, Manik?"

I nod at my mother and look at Nandini. She has tightly balled her hands into fists, and I understand she is doing that because she is angry.

It is amazing that I have started to notice these small things about her.

Like how she balls her hands into fists whenever she is angry. How she starts clenching and unclenching her fingers when she is nervous. How her whole face becomes flushed whenever she is irritated or angry. How her—

I snap out of my musings when Nandini calls me. "I need to talk with you about tomorrow's meeting, Manik. Shall we go to your office?"

I frown because there is no meeting scheduled in the office tomorrow. Nevertheless, I nod at her and follow her as she ascends the stairs to go to my office.

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