Chapter Sixty-Four

Start from the beginning

"You don't even give your own kids the light of day, why should I give that to you??"

"Sometimes you're insufferable"

"How would you know? You haven't even been present for the last I don't know 20 something years!"

"That's not fair! I didn't even know you were alive!"

"Seems like that's a common theme with you"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!"

"Those 3!" Grian featured over to the three SBI members watching this go down on the sidelines. "One is overworked"

Techno looked down when he said that.

"One is neglected and the other you just straight up abandoned!"

Wilbur looked down when he said 'neglected' and Tommy looked away when he said 'abandoned'.

"You can't forget about the Great Grian Minecraft"

"Oh really? You did!"

"I came here to tell you the boys should know their uncle but now maybe it's best they didn't!"

"I would be a better uncle than you ever have been as their father!"

"I did my best as a single fucking father raising three rowdy boys! Techno is amazing at PvP, Wilbur is amazing at music and Tommy.. Tommy's..."

"What?! What did you teach Tommy?? Oh wait you haven't.. Because you abandoned him! You abandoned your youngest just like you abandoned your younger brother!" Grian breathed heavily. He expanded his wings as large as they could go without realising it. Phil did too. Everyone present could see how damaged his wings have become. Grian snuck a screenshot just in case.

"Its better than being a fucking monster! You've killed two people! Who's next?! Huh?"

"I killed a murderer! And a watcher! And you know what watchers are considered.. GODS. I killed a God!"

"Watchers are evil monsters. And you're one of them. You just so happen to be a murderer too!"

This went on for a while. The arguing back and forth went on for around an hour. The other SBI's members got sick of it. Tommy left and headed back to the hub. Wilbur went inside to make sure sure no one else was listening to this. And Techno was about to get involved to break this up. Phil punched him in the face and caused his nose to bleed. Grian threw a punch back and hit his cheek.

TommyInnit left the game.

Techno's blood was boiling. He was sick of this. "Alright I've heard enough of you two bickering!" Techno walked towards them about to break this up. It's been going on for too long. "Will you two stop arguing already! Tommy and Wil left because you two won't stop arguing!"

"I didn't even notice..."

"Of course you didn't. You didn't notice Tubbo living in Tommy's treehouse for fucking ages why would you notice this?"

Phil folded his wings back small again. Techno needed these two idiots to make up so he could go back to peace and quiet. "You two idiots need to forgive each other and quit the arguing."

Grian folded his wings back small again as well. Techno was half right, they did need to stop arguing but he can't forgive Phil. Not yet anyways.

"Now! Don't you have something to say to your brother?" Techno faced Phil.

"I'm sorry I punched you in the face.."

"Grian?" Then he turned to Grian.

"I'm sorry you're my brother." Grian said with tears in his eyes before flying off back to his base. As he flew back, he kept wiping his tears with sleeves. The sleeve darkened in colour.

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