16. Kidnapped

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Bakugo woke up from blacking out earlier. He looked around and noticed he was tied to a chair. He also was in some kind of bar place. Bakugo looked around more and panicked. He tried to speak but the words he was trying to say came out as muffled sound due to the cloth in his mouth. 

Then someone appeared from a door. Bakugos eyes widened at the sight of Izuku. And Izuku glanced at Bakugo before he rolled his eyes and went over to take a seat on the sofa which was located a little in front of the chair Bakugo was tied to.

"We meet again, Kacchan." Izuku chuckled. "Well, you shouldn't had drank that tea. The waitress was Toga. Just she was using her quirk to look like someone else." Izuku confessed with a smug smirk on his face. Bakugos eyes widened and he tried to say 'I KNEW IT!' but it came out as "MPPH- MMM! MHHMM!!". 

Bakugo tried to break free, he twisted and turned but it didn't work. Izukus smirk grew into a sinister grin.

Izuku giggled sinisterly before he spoke "So tell me, Kacchan. How was life without me?" Izuku asked. Bakugo tried to speak but yet again, it came out as muffled words, if you could call it words. "Ahhh! Right. Let me take out that cloth." Izuku said as he stood back up and took out the cloth from Katsukis mouth.

"Speak." Izuku demanded as he went back to the sofa and took a seat, again. Bakugo began to speak, like he was told to. "YOU DAMN BRAT! YOU CANT FAKE YOUR OWN DEATH THEN COME BACK LIKE A VILLAIN. DON'T YOU KNOW HOW DEVASTATED I WAS?!" Bakugo immediately yell, like Izuku had thought. 

"Well, my death never was announced and no body was found. So technically I was just 'missing'." Izuku answered. "And I only took your advice not to become a hero, and I like that advice a lot! Thanks for the idea." Izuku chuckled. "I'm shocked you actually had feelings like that. I only thought your only emotions were anger, selfishness and more aggression." Izuku said.

Katsukis eyes widened.

"I HAVE EMOTIONS LIKE EVERY OTHER DAMN HUMAN! JUST BECAUSE AGGRESSION IS THE MOST NORMAL ONE FOR ME DOSEN'T MEAN IM HEARTLESS." Bakugo yelled as a reply. Izuku smiled brightly. "You're right! You do have a heart, it just don't seem to function like every other humans heart does." Izuku exclaimed with a smug smirk.

"I F*CKING HATE YOU." Bakugo yelled with his, what seemed like, permeant frown on his face. "I hate you too don't worry." Izuku replied as he smirked wider. 

_ _

THATS THE MYSTERY! (sorry to disappoint 😭)



(words : 464)

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