Chapter 10- A Prince & A Girl

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--Valentino POV--

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--Valentino POV--

"I'll be heading out now, father."

I spoke to the man as he sat behind his desk, concentrated on reading through some state documents, a pair of spectacles sitting on the bridge of his nose.

"Go ahead." I didn't wait for anything else, turning to leave, but before the guards could open the door for me to make my swift exit, my father decided he had something more to say.

"Valentino." He called.

"Yes, father." I replied, turning back around to face him, linking my gloved hands behind my back as he picked his head up to look at me through his judging gaze.

"I hope that this short journey of yours is all you have said it is. If it has anything to do with a curious... affixation... towards Alexa, then we've got a problem. I won't have my son fraternizing with a girl of no class." 

That's a lot coming from a man who comes from a commoner background himself. You can never trust a man who bites the hand that feeds him, he's done it once, he's done it twice, and he will, no doubt about it, do it thrice if he must.

Just look at him; The wolf in sheep's closing sitting on a seat that doesn't belong to him, surrounded by sparkling jewels and people to do his bidding, all of us knowing full-well that he doesn't belong where he currently is, but no one having the bravery to speak up.

"Fear not, father. This is all for the pure sake of answering a dying man's request. Besides, I'm well aware of your feelings towards Alexa and her powers." A moment of confusion slipped off his face to be replaced by a dirty smirk, knowing what I was insinuating.

"Can you blame me? When was the last time any of us saw a Nature Elementalist? Those beings that are said to have been directly blessed by Vita herself will surely be useful to our Kingdom. Not to mention, Alexa seems to be like you."

"Me?" I raised a brow.

"Yes, her magic storing capacity. Something tells me it's around the same as yours." And that information has just made her go from one in a hundred to one in a million.

"We'll talk more when you get back." We didn't waste any more time in exchanging goodbye's as I left him in his office. Why would I exchange meaningless words of comfort with a man that put price tags on Human lives?

"Brother!" A young voice called out to me as I came to a halt in walking down the pristine palace hallways, turning around to see my little sister rushing towards me, the largest grin on her innocent face, the splitting image of her mother.

"Where are your shoes, Yvaine?" I chuckled, squatting down for her as she jumped into my arms for a hug, her blonde vanilla scented hair alerting me that she was fresh out of a shower.

How long has it been since I was on that island? 2 years? And yet something as simple as the thought of a shower was able to make me think of that island girl. Girl? No, if it's been two years then she's a woman by now. I wonder if she's changed-

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