34 - Responsibility

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"Headmistress Bonnes! Do you have any ideas of the motive for the attack?"

"Miss Bonnes, is it right to assume war will break out in the country?"

"How will Glory Academy deal with the damages?"

"Headmistress Bonnes!"



Rows upon rows of journalists pushed against the wall of security. The press' fanatical aim for new material an attack in its own right. Mira Bonnes' expression was dark after entering the carriage.

Her secretary, Katy, pulled the curtains, and the carriage was quickly dimmed. Even so, Mira could still hear the press shouts and her coachman's loud cursing. As the carriage began moving forward, Katy let out a drawn-out sigh.

News of the attack spread rapidly throughout the nation. Now, not only Ecrelyn but the entire Evendale must know of the incident. As the headmistress of Glory Academy, most of the attention was set on her, not good ones. It was due to the school's lack of security that allowed demons to breach the premises and endanger numerous students' lives. If not for the quick acting of a couple of students and staff, the damages would've been detrimental.

The public's outrage is justified. The angry families are justified. The guilt and shame turmoiling in her felt justified. How? How could she not catch a single whiff of such a large-scale invasion when it happened right under her nose?!

Three deceased, 118 injured, and half of the main building was reduced to dust.

Mira shut her eyes. "How long until we arrive?"

"A dozen minutes, ma'am," Katy replied. The secretary gazed at the headmistress in concern. Their next stop was a meeting with the kingdom's board of executives alongside the king.

Soon, they arrived at the meeting place. It was decided it'll take place in a separate academy building. Mira and her secretary walked into the meeting room, instantly becoming the centre of attention.

The academy staff, the kingdom's executives, and the king were seated around a large table. After greeting His Majesty, the two found a seat and thus commenced the meeting.

The king spoke first. "I'm sure we all know the reason for this meeting."

Incredulous scoffs and whispers filled the room. The board's outrage is clear.

One member yelled viciously, "Those wretched demons dare attack our children. It is an insult to us, our family, this land, and the kingdom! The Goddess sheds tears to witness such impurity stain Ecrelyn's future!"

"The situation is clearly the result of a lack of security. We must improve our kingdom's strength, Your Majesty."

"Is it possible there was a data leak or a mole?"

"Naturally, unless a mole existed, how could such an event go unnoticed until now?! You can't just smuggle bombs and demons into human territory without backup."

"In any case, we should dismiss Headmistress Bonnes for her evident incapability."

"Silence!" The room hushed to a halt. The king leaned back, a grim shadow overcasting his face. "Headmistress Bonnes, as we're all aware, this matter mostly falls upon your inability to ensure the academy's safety. Ignoring the amount of backlash we've already gotten, dozens of Ecrelyn's future leaders are injured—some dead.

He sighed.

"How are you going to take responsibility?"

Mira's throat suddenly felt parched, an itchiness urging her to leave and seek relief. Take responsibility? How? For the loss of student lives, their pain, and their fear? How?! What can she do that won't make matters worse than they are? It's like trying to build a machine to help stabilize a building when the ground is already breaking into cracks. The woman clenched her fist.

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