14 - Glory Academy I

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"Luggage check, clothes check, books check, tools check, wallet check. Am I missing anything?"

"None, Young Master."

Today was Authun 3rd, the ninth month and the evening before the start of the academy. With the institution located at the capital of Ecrelyn, Sorrora, it provides a mandatory dorm service for convenience sake (as many students live an hour or more away by horseback).

A boarding school basically.

Thus here they were, master and servant, packing.
Regrettably the academy does not allow personal servants with it being an institute open to all regardless of status. With the intention of students and staff forgoing their statuses on campus and to stand on equal footing. Unfortunately class discrimination is still happening right under the academy's nose.

Huey exhaled in relief. They had to have been packing for at least an hour and a half. Majority being clothes: uniforms, casual, formal, sleep, etc. Fortunately he only take a few for each since he decided to buy the rest at the capital. Hurray for money!

After Owen left, Huey settled into bed. A weird combination of anticipation and worry whirling in his guts. With Castelle of Lux's plot officially beginning in a couple of hours it also sparks conflicts ranging from social drama to calamical events. Either benefiting Sorin's strength or relationships.

Demonic invasions, cute library scene, assassination, picnic, monsters, heartfelt dating. The juxtaposition was frankly comical. Fortunately the writing was well paced.

Anyhow, there is one issue that keeps bugging him.

How on earth will most of the problems happen?!

It's to be noted that Huey Astaseul is the main villain of the school arc. Inciting incidents left and right, incurring trauma upon the students, colluding with demons, and bringing upon chaos in general up until his execution.

Not doing those would certainly make everyone's lives easier, but also not doing it means not giving Sorin the opportunity to get stronger for whatever the final enemy is.

Although Huey had said: "I was thinking of using my past life memories and novel knowledge to cheat my way through. Also secretly build up my power so I could protect myself, and while I'm at it, also avoid the main group because they are magnets for trouble" (ch.08).

What does he do if he is the trouble? And that's really not that solid of a plan, if hardly one at all.

'Come to think of it, what's the ending?'

His first life memories only went up to his death and he died without ever seeing the conclusion after all.

'I read up to the fifth volume with the war and Battle Between Dreams arc.'

The fifth volume had Sorin and the gang travelling to a neighboring kingdom only to end up caught in a war with the demons. Afterwards, Sorin gets pulled into a changing dreamworld every night.The one similarity between the dreamscapes being a glowing butterfly. Upon chasing the butterfly the volume comes to a close and ends on a cliffhanger that had Elijah clawing at his wall.

He could still clearly remember the most maddening page he's ever read:

["Sorin huffed, forcing his trembling legs to move up a step, hand perched on the stone wall for support. All his energy sapped. He had been climbing the spiral staircase up the tower for days. Time in the dream realm unlike Evendale's.


The butterfly flew and landed on a round bronze door handle. Flapping its wing as if goading him on. Clenching his teeth Sorin persevered and moved. His labored breaths echoing in the winding tower.

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