05 - The Midsummer Festival

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Huey rushed to the library after completing all his lessons of the day. Requesting the servants to leave, they did not mind and quickly left. Long since having grown accustomed to their young master's wish to be in the library on breaks.

Even in his first life he had enjoyed reading and the emotions it brought. He could drown himself in fiction untethered by the outside when lost within the garden of words. Oftentimes, he had wished he was the character inside the book. Where he could have a loving family, friends, and a cozy home.
This giant estate where he was pushed to the most isolated corner and forgotten.. was fancy, large, and grandeur. It spoke of riches many would never attain in ten lifetimes.. and yet the halls are so so cold. The cruelest of winter kisses frosting the air.

He did not want to accept it. The environment, and what he had become.

He had realized a long time ago, when the ghastly realization had settled and passed, it was rather ironic. To think his wish of escaping his life was to live in a novel, when he actually lives in a novel. As the role of a villain who met a deserved and cliche demise no less.

Huey settled into a comfortable position on one of the one-person couches. Lying horizontally with his back facing the couch, and legs perched up on one of the arm rests. A pile of books laid by his right on a small table. The red eyed boy was ready for his self-taught magic lessons.

It's not like he's a complete beginner. Contrary to popular belief he did listen to lessons, how else would he have consistently stayed within the top ten in a school of students with noble backgrounds? Although a bit ashamed to admit, a demon had taught him magic as well, although he couldn't remember who. Strange, but not unexpected. Demonic magic worked strangely. There were spells which enabled people incapable of recalling few to none about certain subjects after all. Huey just hoped it wasn't the kind in which any mention shall be known. He did not need the demon kind putting a target on his back this early.

Regardless of who they were, they were sensible enough to not teach him demonic magic. It would have corrupted a normal human's mind, but rather taught him new spells, skills, and gave tips. Huey could remember every single thing he had learned from his professors (demon included). It seems his memories turned eidetic when it came to academics. Although, remembering did not mean he could act on it. Priorly, his body had awakened magic. His soul however, has not yet become accustomed to it. Furthermore, his physical prowess is in one word, weak. Not egregious, but still bad. The strength of one's magic relies heavily on a person's innate potential and the state of their bodies. It was no wonder his magic was rather limited in the first round.

Think of the body as the temple. A tower. A tree. It is the foundation. All the techniques, skills, etc are the add-ons. If the foundation is not strong then everything would cave in and the body would crumble. While if the foundation is strong the power will grow to become insurmountable.

Therefore, he must build endurance. Start from the basics, and work back up.

To begin, Huey began regulating his mana throughout his body. Repeating the exercise like the book said. The tingling sensation of his attribute was oddly alleviating. From his core to his limbs and back, flowing steadily like a stream. The goal of doing this was so his body and soul could first become accustomed to long prolongs of balancing mana. It's essentially preparing himself for what's to come as it'd be devastatingly bad if his body gave out from mana burning (the overuse of magic till the body physically cannot take it/ the result of incapacitation upon coming in contact with high concentrations of mana).

"I'll work on building up my body's endurance, then move on to spells."

Easier said than done.

-*:・゚*✧ -

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