04 - Aestun

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A couple weeks had passed since that incident. Owen had reverted back to his distant and professional attitude, but the wall they've built between has undoubtedly been lowered. Huey would have been overjoyed were his brain not fried like scrambled eggs.

With only a week left before the celebration, Miss Reuslo was absolutely merciless. He was forced to remember how to respond to a number of social cues, relearn the names and faces of dozens of nobles (including their rank, business, and family), and know all the latest trends. All of that alone belonged in the social category. One out of many other subjects.

Aside from that things were a lot better than he thought would be after regressing. A corner of his room now houses new additions. An easel, an art-shelf, a stack of canvases, and a couple artworks he managed to squeeze in with his minimal free time.

He made his way to class content that no piercing stares came from the back. For a while now no one was sent to prevent him from potentially skipping class. Meal times are no longer as awkward and piercing. The servants even initiate greetings as well!

Although acting amiable now will never change the past (or the past future), small steps are the mediums needed to take larger strides.

"Good afternoon sir." The youth settled down by a desk. "Will we be continuing where we left off last lesson?"

The blonde man set the work sheets down and fixed his glasses before replying, "Yes, have you been practicing like I've instructed?"

"I have, as many times as I could this week."

Sir William chuckled, his eyes crinkling with a smile. "Each time it never fails to surprise me how you've changed. You were much more stubborn and isolated before."

"Isolated?" Huey quizzed, muddled.

"Yes, like you're trying to push everything away. You've built walls, high walls around yourself. I was honestly concerned for how you'd fare in the future. As your professor, I am glad you are taking the initiative to open those walls."

Rose red eyes shook slightly. So his professor had worried for him before the whole regression thing? He's always viewed Sir William as an indifferent, cold, and strict person who separated personal and professional matters. To think he cared.. Huey could not stop the small wistful smile from appearing.

Ivon William missed it once again.

"In any case, back to class. Please start from the beginning of page 212 up to question eleven. And remember to stop that habit of tapping your pen on the desk, it's annoying."

"Yes." The boy answered before doing as told.

The remainder of classes passed smoothly with Huey collapsing back into bed at the end of it all without fail, everyday. Owen had scolded him before of this "unsightly" behavior, but they both know he could care less. When by himself he should be himself!

"Hopefully things will let up once the party's over. Which is when? What date is it? The 20th?"

Huey reluctantly rolled off the bed to go look at the calendar. The current page signified Aestun, the sixth month of the year. The most recent date that had been elegantly crossed off (by Owen no doubt) was the 13th. In the next row Marquess Nevoid's first son's birthday was highlighted on the 20th.

"If the party's the 20th and today's the 13th, I have a week of this hell before I can have a more open schedule.. probably." Huey groaned and slapped his palms over his face. "Aestun.. why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?"

As if right on cue, a series of polite knocks sounded from behind the door and Elaine, carrying desserts and tea on a cart waltzed in.

The maid wore her signature bright smile. "Young Master, you forgot dessert. Chef Miles wishes for me to bring these to you as you've "never missed desserts before."" She trailed off slightly upon seeing Huey's disgruntled expression. "Is something troubling you? If it's someone I'll beat them up." Something in her eyes gleamed at the last sentence.

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