09 - Joseph Kartlov

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It was a couple days after the party. Huey and Kayson kept in contact through lengthy letters. From as simple as miscellaneous topics to what will happen to them and the world in the future. They had to fit as much as they could in each as online messaging did not exist.

"Curse this medieval world.." Huey grumbled while signing the paper. He folded it, tucked it into the envelope, and stamped a red wax seal with the Astaseul symbol on it. A single star surrounded by peonies. "Voila~."

Handing the envelope to a servant, he made his way to the library. Books on magic need to be prepared as soon as possible. In two days Kayson will be coming over for Project: Survive This Fucking Place—STFP for short.

His fingers traced over the hard book stems, reading over the titles.

How To Summon For Beginners..

Crystallization Iridium Centralicyst V..

Teris I..

Teris II..

Teris III..

Teris IV..

'Why are there so many volumes of Teris here?'

Study On Ikithytis..

Mana Control II..

How To Tame A Horse..

Huey blinked. He took the Mana Control II and after stifling a laugh took the book on horse taming.

"Just for shits and giggles."

Then made his way to an empty table on the farther side of the library. The two books settled on the furniture with a thunk along with the rest of the collection. Sighing, the boy grinned.

"Alrighty." He turned and moved to leave, his break was nearly over and he could feel his face freezing over and into an iceberg at the thought of the next class.

Internally groaning, Huey bemoaned, "Swordsmanship..."

Upon reaching the training grounds, Huey froze. In the middle of the space was an intimidating looking person. Standing vehemently straight with a broad shoulder under the blazing summer heat.. was not his coach.

'That's not Mr. Seb..' The boy stared dumbstruck. 'Mr. Seb is younger, shorter, lankier, and definitely would not stand like that under the sun—who the fuck?' The baffled thoughts cut short with the mention of his name.

"Huey Astaseul. Come." The man beckoned without so much as sparing a glance. Huey hesitatingly walked over while fiddling his fingers. The silence was loud and he pushed out a question unlike the typical composed Astaseul.

"Uhm, excuse me Sir.. who are you? What happened to Mr. Seb?"

It took a second for that man to respond. "Sir Seb has been fired for incompetency. I am your new coach, and I've already been debriefed about your incapabilities." Huey pursed his lips. "But rest assured young man I'll make sure that gap is filled within two months. So get ready to die, many, many times." Silver blue eyes gleamed like icicles.

Huey blanked. The blood drained from his face. A feeling of dread sunk into his stomach. One thought appeared and resounded clearly.

'Uh oh.'

—*:・゚*✧ —

A stern looking man gazed fixedly at the training grounds. Standing there imposingly, trimmed dark blonde hair, clean stubble, arms crossed, back straight, muscles taut, and a peg leg in place of his left foot. The man looked every bit of an old military officer who had unfortunately lost a leg while fighting for the country, or a pirate captain.

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