13 - Morrow

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Dear Mr. Astaseul,

We have received your letter regarding your intentions. Albeit disappointed regarding your wish to terminate our deal despite the offers, we will honour our clients' wishes. However, in order for us to finalize this we must secure our confidentiality, we are sure you understand. Therefore it is mandatory that we follow through and write up a new contract using a mana contract. As it requires both parties present please reply forthwith on when you will be available and we will inform you of the details.



"Well that was a lot more civil than I thought." Huey had a slightly astonished and amused expression. Especially considering how the first letter was very insistent on keeping the deal ongoing. Borderline threatening. It was clear whoever wrote the first and second letter were very different people. He was a little little bit concerned over them reacting hostilely, but he's glad everything seemed to work out. 

"What's that?" Kayson asked, lying down in a peculiar position on the couch. With his head hanging upside down and his legs draped over the sofa back, he watched the black haired boy fold the letter.

He hummed, "Remember how I dealt with shady organizations?"


"So apparently this group that I'm trying to cut ties with wants me to go somewhere and sign a contract regarding confidentiality."

"That sounds like a trap." Kayson said and hauled himself upright, nearly falling onto the ground with the action.

Huey shrugged, "Fair, but it's not like they can come to my house." Despite the fact it was insanely easy to sneak in and out for some reason... Unlike him, if the group was caught they'd instantly get sentenced to rot in the dungeons. Possibly execution depending on the extent of their crimes.

"Then what?"

"I was thinking of us going into town together and somewhere along the line I'll do the thing." After tucking the letter away he pulled out a blank piece of paper, a red quill pen, and unscrewed the ink jar.

"Ok ok," Kayson nodded and crossed his arms. "Go on."

"Issue is Owen, ever since last time he's been paranoid as hell whenever I say I want some time alone. Let alone in town."

"Washroom excuse?"

"Can't, the contract is a mana contract which means it draws magic directly from all parties' cores. Which enables so that if anyone breaks the terms their core will combust leading to an extremely slow and painful death. Scary, but hard to conceal as anyone who is skilled with magic can sense the activation of the contract if it's used nearby. And Owen's well, he's Owen." The youth cringed.

"For some reason I get what you mean. Hmm, maybe I can try to distract him?"

"No offence, but I doubt it. Not because it's you but because it's Owen."

"Can't you force him on a day off or something?"

"On a normal servant maybe, but Owen's one of the head butlers so that falls under my uncle's authority."

He scratched his head and groaned, "Then..."

"No, I'm not gonna drug him." Huey cut him off with an extremely unimpressed look.

Kayson gaped, offended, and shouted, "I wasn't gonna go there at all! You and your imagination tsk tsk. Anyways, I have an idea."

Going over to the couch, Huey sat next to Kayson. "What is it?"

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