Saving Yourself

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***Trigger Warning***

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***Trigger Warning***

The initial shock wears off and I find my voice again. "Ryan? The Ryan? Harper's brother Ryan?"

He laughs coldly. "Not to sound rude but who are you? People in this house haven't exactly been trustworthy so, I'm sure you can understand my hesitation here."

I scan the room for any means of escape. I'm disheartened to see there are none. The only way out is to go up the stairs. We have to get out of here before Harper or Jeremiah realize where I am.

I bend down, look directly into his dark eyes and whisper. "I am the girl who's going to save you. Now, we have to go."

I walk to the staircase. He stays back, eyeing me.

His eyebrow lifts in confusion. "Save me? Why would you want to do that?"

I groan in frustration. "Inara. Brexton."

I adjust my hair as I mumble. "Also, I'm not a terrible person. Seeing people suffer isn't exactly my thing."

He gives me a knowing look as he starts to make his way to me. "You know them?"

"We're well aquatinted, yes. I'll explain it all once we get out of here. We don't have much time."

He runs a shaky hand through his hair and rasps. "Please tell me you're not Lyra."

Time seems to slow around me. I don't know how to handle this amount of fear. If he knows who I am, that means they've been talking about me. There's no scenario where that's a good thing.

Ryan grabs my hand and pulls me close to him. "It's a trap. You have to get out of here."

As if on cue, the basement door creaks open.

The voice I hear is comparable to nails on a chalkboard. "Lyra? You down here?"

My brain switches into action mode and I pull Ryan into a darkened corner behind a steel barrel, the best option for a hiding spot.

Loud footsteps make a trail down the stairs, the owner's voice repeatedly asking for me. Even though I know this should terrify me, it doesn't. Something unexplainable takes over me and I become a different, stronger person. I decide to never let anyone that I don't respect scare me again.

I'm no longer that lonely girl who was afraid to leave her abusive ex because she didn't think she deserved better. I deserve better. I have better and I will not loose it.

I'm keeping these people I love or I'll die trying.

Ryan and I quit breathing as we wait for Harper to fully descend the steps. It takes a painful amount of time for her to reach the chair Ryan used to be tied to.

She curses under her breath. "Lyra, don't make this harder than it has to be. Just come out here and we'll talk."

I stand still, letting her come to me. The time for talking is over.

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