Jessica's Interrogation

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***Trigger Warning

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***Trigger Warning.***

When I exit Brexton's room, I put on my game face and prepare to get started on our investigation. I was determined to unravel the dark secrets I knew were under this obnoxious woman's surface. I'd like to believe that people aren't naturally as rude as she is. Something made her the cold, broken shell of a woman that she is today. I wasn't going to stop until I figured out what that something is.

I'm not excited about it but I know what I have to do. The best way to get answers was to join in on the gossip. My nosey coworkers somehow know everything about everyone. It took them less than an hour to discover that I was going back to nurse practitioner school, less than a day to spread the news of my breakup. They truly had a gift.

I scan the halls for Maria, the nurse's aide that Jessica thought was her best friend. Maria walked around like she owned the place, constantly correcting people and telling them what to do. It was no wonder she and Jessica got along so well, or at least pretended to. They both secretly hated each other and talked trash on one another everytime the opportunity presented itself. Typically, I wanted nothing to do with their highschool drama but today I wanted all up in it.

Maria is standing next to another nurse when I finally spot her. She's moving her hands theatrically, leaning against the food cart. I wonder what poor soul's personal information she's sharing now. I wait until the other woman leaves before I walk up to her. "Hey Maria, how's it going?"

"I'm doing good! I'm just happy that Jess finally took her lunch break. She was getting on my last nerve."

Bingo. It's pathetic how easy this is. "Ugh. What'd she do now?"

The judgement is evident in her voice. "She won't shut up about how the guy she's having an affair with is leaving his girlfriend for her. She needs to get a clue! He's clearly using her."

I nod my head to appear interested. "I didn't know she was dating anyone. Why doesn't she date someone who's not in relationship?"

Maria lowers her voice as if she hasn't already said the same thing to everyone on the unit. "She's desperate. She's been seeing him for months now and they're still sneaking around. That would be a hint to most people that it's not serious, but not Jessica."

I shake my head in disapproval. "Do you know who she's seeing?"

She looks thrilled to be asked this question, which tells me I've unlocked more drama. "I do, but I really shouldn't say."

"You have to tell me." I beg.

Maria releases her thick brown hair from its ponytail and takes her time putting it back up. To my annoyance, she's trying to build the suspense. "Okay, I'll tell you, but you didn't hear it from me."

She was acting like she held the key to world peace. I pretend to lock my lips and seal it. "I won't tell a soul." Besides Brexton, but I did say that part aloud.

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