Strange Encounters

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***Trigger Warning***

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***Trigger Warning***

My mouth drops. My eyes follow a path from Brexton to Inara and then to their parents. I can see the resemblance. Their father has Inara's curly blonde hair and Brexton's light green eyes. Their mother is stunning with Brexton's curly black hair and Inara's brown doe eyes. The siblings are the perfect mix of their parents.

The initial shock wears off for Brexton and I can feel him stirring behind me. "What are you guys doing here this late?"

His mother's soothing voice makes me feel more at ease. "We've been here all day. We got in this morning and didn't want to leave her."

His nods stiffly. "You didn't have to come, she's been well taken care of."

I try to keep a pokerface, but I'm sure my face gives away my confusion. I can sense Brexton doesn't get along with his parents but I'm not sure why. We haven't had a chance to really talk about it. All I know is he alluded to them being worried about his murder investigation ruining their reputation.

"Last time you said that we found out you were letting her take her clothes off for money." His dad huffs at him.

"DAD STOP!!!" Inara yells at the same time her mom says, "Drop it Mike!"

Mike obeys but neither he or Brexton look pleased to be in each other's presence.

After yelling at her husband, she gives me a warm smile. "I'm sorry about that, it's been a long day. I'm Rose."

I extend my hand to Rose. "I'm Lyra."

"Hi Lyra. How do you know my son?"

Brexton swallows nervously and answers for me. "She was my nurse and Inara's roommate."

I'm grateful to him for taking the pressure off of me, but I can't lie and say his nonchalance when describing us doesn't sting. How can he say I'm just his nurse when only moments ago he told me he's in love with me? Am I even allowed to be mad? I mean, I was the one who wouldn't say I loved him back. Maybe he took that as us being casual. I can't blame him, but I'm upset nevertheless.

Anger bubbles up inside me, but I force it down. The last thing I want to do is upset Inara when her state is so critical. After all she's done for me, I have to think about her feelings too.

I notice Rose is still staring at me, her expression indecipherable. "Well, you're very lucky son. She's absolutely breathtaking. I'm sure she made your experience in the hospital much more tolerable."

"Thank you." I say, blushing.

Mike breaks up our bonding. "Well, she better not be anything more than your nurse because you've got a great girl waiting for you back home."

I feel myself burning up. He has a girl waiting for him back home? My mind desperately scrambles for a  plausible explanation, but I find none.

My eyes send daggers at Brexton. "That's so nice." 

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