Teaming Up

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***Trigger Warning***

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***Trigger Warning***

The corners of Brexton's lips curl upward, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Do what? What were we going to do exactly?"

Was he seriously making fun of me right now? He knows as well as I do what was happening. I wasn't about to incriminate myself and say it out loud. "I don't know, why don't you tell me smart guy?"

The entire conversation, I keep my eyes on his, knowing that I will loose control if I look down at his washboard abs. "I was going to give you thanks for all that you've done for me. What did you think was happening?"

I squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to shut out my desire. I want him, but there is too much I don't know about him to let him this close. It isn't smart, but I don't know if I can stop myself. "So you weren't trying to have sex with me?"

His eyes look as though they're about to pop out of his head. "I was only going to please you. We're not going any further until you know everything I've done, but God do I want to be your boyfriend right now."

I laugh from both embarrassment and shock. I wasn't expecting him to be so adamant about waiting. It was...sweet of him. I want to, but I am too awkward to bring up the fact that he said he wants to please me. I have never had a man do that before. Let's just say,
Jeremiah was a little too much about himself for all that. He was also the only man (if you can call him that) I've ever been with. It's strange, I've known Jeremiah for years and he never once tried to go there, but Brexton brings it up after only knowing each other for a few weeks.

"So tomorrow then?" I tease him, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the conversation topic. I don't talk with guys about this kind of thing. I had no idea how to act.

He shakes his head. "No, when I'm your boyfriend. If that's what you promised yourself, that's what we're doing. I'm not about to change you or your values." He lifts my chin, bringing my eyes that had drifted down to his lips back up to his intense gaze. "I don't want you to change."

The thing about me is the more someone tells me I can't have something, the more I want it. "So, let me get this straight, you wanted to to take my pants off but you refuse to sleep with me?" I challenge him.

Now it was his turn to look uncomfortable. He looks away. "I mean, I was just going to use my hands. I can do what I need to without really removing any clothes and I don't necessarily have to look."

"I've never done that." I blurt out.

He chokes. "What? You're lying!"

I feel my cheeks burning red. "I've only been with one guy and he wasn't really the type to do that kind of thing."

He gasps, making me laugh. "The type to please you? Why did you date him again?"

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