28. Unseen Scars

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Chapter 28: Unseen Scars

The aroma of spicy curry and noodles wafted through the corridors of UA High as the trio of Midoriya, Uraraka, and Shoto made their way towards the room of Midoriya and Bakugou. The atmosphere was light, the promise of a delightful meal shared amongst friends igniting a warmth in the cold evening.

However, as they reached Bakugou's room and found it empty, the initial warmth was replaced with confusion. Their hunt began. The hallways echoed with their calls, the soft whispers of students returning from evening activities guiding them, until Uraraka, catching a snippet of conversation, informed the group that Bakugou had been seen headed to the school clinic. The three hurried, their concern growing with each step.

"That must be why he seemed so distant lately. He's sick," Midoriya voiced, his thoughts loud enough for his friends to hear.

"I hope he's okay," murmured Uraraka, her voice soft with concern.

On arriving at the school clinic, they found it eerily silent, the nurse's station unoccupied. A single fluorescent light buzzed in the distance, and the only sound was the distant hum of machinery. They wandered, calling softly, lest they disturb anyone.

A solitary figure, covered from head to toe, lay on a bed, an island in the sea of white linens. Only Shoto, with his sharp eyes and intimate history, could identify the slumbering form as Bakugou. He gently beckoned the others over.

"Kacchan" Midoriya began cautiously, "we made some food. You should eat." But his offer was met with silence.

Uraraka whispered his name, a gentle plea. But it was Shoto who, driven by an unknown impulse, took a step closer, his shadow looming over the huddled form. The slight movement seemed to agitate Bakugou, whose body trembled slightly under the sheets.

Shoto's voice was a mere breath, "Hey, we made food for you. Why don't you try some?"

A muffled voice replied, harsh and grating, as if dragged over a rough surface. "Why now? Go away. You're the last person I want to see right now, Todoroki."

Shoto's heart ached, memories flooding back, whispers of a past where Bakugou had said, "I will always look for you." But this Bakugou was different, defeated.

Without hesitation, Shoto reached out, gently pulling the sheet back. The world seemed to stand still. The Bakugou beneath was not the fiery, confident person they knew. Instead, they were met with a pale, bruised face, and tear-streaked eyes that held an unspeakable pain.

Uraraka gasped, her hand covering her mouth in horror. "Bakugou..."

Midoriya's voice quivered, "What... who did this to you?"

The air grew heavy. Shoto's hands trembled as they reached out to Bakugou's face. "Katsuki," he whispered, the use of Bakugou's first name emphasizing the depth of his concern, "What happened?"

But Bakugou flinched, pushing Shoto away. "It hurts!" he yelled. "Stay away!"

As Midoriya took a step forward, ready to intervene, the door burst open. The nurse, her usually kind face stern and filled with urgency, grabbed the trio by their collars and pushed them out.

Shoto, driven by a mix of worry and anger, wedged his foot in the door, "What happened to him?"

The nurse's face softened for a moment, her voice a comforting murmur, "Everything will be alright. His parents are on their way. Don't worry."

Shoto's eyes widened, his heart dropping at the mention of Bakugou's parents. The door clicked shut, leaving the trio in the dark, cold hallway, with nothing but their concern and unanswered questions.

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