41. Second Chances

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Chapter 41: Second Chances

In Shoto's perspective:

Time has a way of healing wounds, but some memories are too deeply etched to be forgotten. And Bakugou was one such memory for me.. In the wake of the accident that had claimed his memories and sent him away, I had no way to reach out to Bakugou. The desire to contact him, to let him know I was still here, was overpowering. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, for I didn't want to hurt his parents any further.

I'd spent countless nights reflecting upon the past, the pain of our separation, the anger of Bakugou's parents, and my own guilt that shadowed everything else. But more than anything, I clung to the resolve that I would show everyone - especially Bakugou's parents - that I was worthy of their son.

So, I channeled my pain and longing into my studies. The rejections I handed out to the girls interested in me were more out of loyalty to the memory of Bakugou than anything else. It was during one of those late nights, when I was browsing through Facebook, attempting to distract myself from the immense loneliness, that I stumbled upon Bakugou's status update: he was joining UA.

My heart raced. This was fate handing me a second chance. I had already secured a scholarship to UA due to my stellar academic record. Knowing that Bakugou would be there filled me with a joy I hadn't felt in years. I would finally have the chance to find Bakugou again.  Even I cant love him because of his parents but I can watch him. I want to prove to him, to his parents, and to myself, that I was worth being in his life.

When I arrived at U.A., my heart raced with anticipation, knowing that Bakugou would be there somewhere. I entered my room, a whirlwind of excitement coursing through me, only to find that the other students were in the cafeteria. My first instinct was to follow the voices, but one yell, in particular, cut through the noise. It was Bakugou's voice.

Every fiber of my being gravitated towards him.

Walking in, I spotted him, a slightly taller and more mature version of the Bakugou but still as stunning as ever, his fiery personality undiminished. I remembered, yet unmistakably him. I could see he was in the middle of one of his typical passionate outbursts. With a smile, I took the empty seat next to him.

Bakugou's reaction was instantaneous,  even he doesnt remember me, his intense crimson eyes locking onto mine. He stared, taken aback, and for a moment, I saw a faint blush creep onto his cheeks. It was the same fierce, beautiful Bakugou I had fallen for all those years ago and it made my heart swell with happiness.

Offering my hand, I reintroduced myself, "Shoto...Todoroki Shoto."

Bakugou hesitated for a moment, then shook my hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "Bakugou Katsuki," He said.

"Shoto Todoroki."  he muttered my name, as if testing how it felt on his tongue after so long.

And with that simple exchange, in the heart of UA's bustling cafeteria, our love story began anew. No longer bound by the shadows of our past, we now had the chance to create a brighter future together.

The end.........................

A Whirlwind of Feelings [Todobaku fanfiction] ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ