7. Memories, Arts, and Classroom Capers

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Chapter 07: Memories, Arts, and Classroom Capers

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the school courtyard. Midoriya and Momo, comfortably seated on a bench, delved deep into shared memories of playful days and innocent times. Momo's laughter was infectious as they reminisced about the silly things they did as children.

However, the conversation soon took a serious turn when Midoriya brought up her art. "I remember you weren't that good at drawing as a kid," he commented, curiosity evident in his eyes.

Momo's expression turned somber. "It's true. Art was never my strong suit. But it was my parents' dream for me, not mine. My heart always beat for badminton." She sighed deeply, her eyes reflecting the weight of unspoken pressures.

She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a sketchbook, flipping it open to show Midoriya her recent works. The transformation was astounding. Intricate patterns, realistic portraits, and surreal landscapes filled the pages.

Midoriya's eyes widened in admiration. "You've improved so much, Momo. It's incredible!"

Momo smiled, a tinge of sadness in her eyes. "Thanks, Izuku. It means a lot coming from you."

Meanwhile, Shoto made his way to the classroom, the sound of clattering and muffled voices reaching him as he approached. Pushing the door open, he was met with a comical sight. Bakugou was attempting to rearrange the classroom's cupboard, while Sero, armed with some tape, tried to help. The result? Bakugou had tape stuck in his hair, on his uniform, basically everywhere except where it needed to be.

Sero, noticing Shoto, called out cheerfully, "Hey, Todoroki! Want to join the tape disaster?"

Shoto chuckled, his eyes never leaving a visibly frustrated Bakugou. "I think I'll pass."

Shaking off the tape from his hand with an exasperated sigh, Bakugou shot Sero a glare. "You're worse than useless, you know?"

Sero simply grinned, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Just trying to help!"

Deciding to tease Bakugou a bit more, Shoto approached him, resting his chin on the table, and looking up at his friend. "Why'd you leave the court so suddenly?"

"I had to clean the class," Bakugou replied, avoiding Shoto's gaze.

Shoto smirked. "First time you've finished a chore. Must've been a special reason."

Bakugou's cheeks reddened just a touch. Before he could retort, Shoto continued, "As my best friend, you should've been there cheering for me, you know?"

The word "friend" hung in the air between them, a silent acknowledgment of their evolving bond. Bakugou, visibly taken aback, inhaled sharply. The weight of the word sinking in. After a moment, he exhaled, looking straight into Shoto's eyes. "Sorry about that. I promise, next time, my dear friend, I'll cheer the loudest for you," he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Shoto laughed, ruffling Bakugou's already messy hair. "I'll hold you to that."

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