11. Of Arts, Assumptions, and Angry Outbursts

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Chapter 11: Of Arts, Assumptions, and Angry Outbursts

The familiar hum of the overhead lights welcomed Midoriya back to his room. After a day filled with misunderstandings and surprise revelations, the sight of Bakugou engrossed in a book on his bed was oddly comforting. With a sigh, Midoriya made his way to the washroom.

Emerging refreshed, he stopped short. Shoto, normally the embodiment of calm, now had an intense look on his face. He was seated on Bakugou's bed, his gaze fixed on a sheet of paper in Bakugou's hand. The air in the room felt charged, heavy with an impending confrontation.

"Everything okay, guys?" Midoriya ventured hesitantly.

Without looking up, Bakugou passed the sheet to Midoriya. Recognizing it instantly, he exclaimed, "This is her art!"

With a sly smirk, Bakugou responded, "Your crush—oh wait, ex-crush—made this. Impressive, isn't it?"

Midoriya, confused, replied, "Ex-crush? Uraraka is not my ex. And when did she give you this?"

Bakugou sighed dramatically, "Not Uraraka, dummy. Momo gave this to Shoto."

Midoriya blinked, realization dawning on him. He recounted the earlier incident in the classroom, explaining how he'd stumbled upon this art among Uraraka's sketches, suggesting that Momo might be taking credit for someone else's work.

"So, you think Momo is passing off others' artwork as her own?" Shoto asked, visibly disturbed.

Bakugou, with a mischievous glint, offered, "Well, if Momo has a thing for you, why not play along, gather some intel, and see if she's really lying?"

Midoriya, though entertained by the idea, felt it was crossing a line. "Bakugou, that's mean!"

However, what none expected was Shoto's reaction. The ever-calm dual  face contorted with anger. "I'm not someone who toys with others' feelings," he hissed, his icy-hot glare fixated on Bakugou.

Without waiting for a response, Shoto stormed out, leaving behind a thick tension. Midoriya, trying to alleviate the situation, quipped, "Well, that escalated quickly."

A Whirlwind of Feelings [Todobaku fanfiction] ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن