8. Unexpected Movie Dates and Revelations

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Chapter 08: Unexpected Movie Dates and Revelations

The classroom was buzzing with activity as students chatted, completed assignments, and went about their usual routines. Midoriya's phone beeped, capturing his immediate attention. With a victorious grin, he brandished the device to his friends.

"She gave me her number!" he exclaimed, emphasizing the 'she'. A chorus of 'ooohs' erupted around him.

"Deku and Momo, sitting in a tree—" Bakugou began, sing-songing the familiar teasing rhyme.

"Dude! Momo Yaoyorozu gave her number to Deku! It's the end of the world!" Denki chimed in dramatically, clasping his hands together in mock horror.

Midoriya's attempt at a dignified response was interrupted by another beep from his phone. The message from Momo invited him for a movie outing in the city on Saturday. But what truly stunned him was her request to bring Shoto and Bakugou along.

Confused and excited, he shared the invite with his friends. Shoto, overhearing, approached with a raised eyebrow. "Me and Bakugou? Why would she want us to come along?"

Midoriya, equally puzzled, replied, "I'm not sure. Maybe as friends?"

Shoto, ever the gentleman, was hesitant at first. "I don't want to intrude on your outing with Momo," he mused.

But Midoriya's reassurances and the prospect of a movie seemed to sway him. "Alright, count me in."

Saturday arrived with a mix of anticipation and nerves. Midoriya, Shoto, and Bakugou arrived at the designated cinema, scanning the area for Momo. Their search was interrupted as three figures approached—Momo, accompanied by two other girls.

Midoriya's heart did a tiny flip. Momo looked radiant, but it was the two girls flanking her that caught his attention. One he vaguely recognized—Uraraka. The other, with her distinct earphone jacks, was unmistakably Jirou.

"Hey, guys!" Momo greeted cheerily, closing the distance between them and grabbing Shoto's hand. "I hope you don't mind I brought friends. I thought it'd be fun!"

Midoriya's face went through a series of contortions, realizing the implication of Momo's actions. She liked Shoto. It wasn't a friendly outing—it was a double... no, a triple date.

Bakugou, ever the opportunist, struggled to hold back laughter, but a snort escaped him. "Looks like you've been sidelined, Deku." he teased, nudging him.

Momo, blissfully unaware of Midoriya's inner turmoil, introduced her friends. "Oh! Izuku, Bakugou, meet Uraraka and Jiro. Why don't you guys pair up for the movie?"

Midoriya's brain went into overdrive, trying to place Uraraka's familiar face. Before he could reach a conclusion, Shoto leaned in and whispered, "She's in our class, Izuku. Doesn't mingle much, but she's there."

As Midoriya was about to suggest he could pair up with Uraraka (partly to recover from his minor heartbreak), Midoriya was about to protest, figuring a movie with the cute, albeit quiet, Uraraka wouldn't be too bad when Bakugou, ever the unpredictable one, suddenly stepped in. 

Grabbing Midoriya's wrist and dramatically placing his other hand over his nose as if shielding from some imaginary bad smell, he declared, "Deku and I are watching together. No arguments."

Uraraka blinked in surprise, while Jirou just shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips.

The group eventually made their way into the theatre. Momo and Shoto sat side by side, deep in conversation. Midoriya and Bakugou ended up together, the latter munching popcorn noisily and offering commentary on almost every scene. Uraraka and Jirou, now left to their devices, bonded over shared music interests.

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