30. Whispers of the Heart

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Chapter 30: Whispers of the Heart

The letter, written in Bakugou's unmistakable scrawl, lay heavy in Shoto's hands. Each word, each confession, etched deep into his heart. He had to see Bakugou, to confront the emotions that churned tumultuously within him.

Knowing full well the barriers in place, Shoto enlisted the help of his steadfast companions, Midoriya and Uraraka. Together, they hatched a plan. Midoriya and Uraraka would create a distraction, drawing the ever-vigilant nurse away from her post. This would provide Shoto the window of opportunity to sneak into the clinic and see Bakugou.

As Shoto slid into the dim room, he was met with the sight of Bakugou, lying desolate on the bed. Every inch of his posture screamed of pain and vulnerability. Shoto's step forward drew Bakugou's attention.

"Why are you here, Todoroki?" Bakugou rasped, a flicker of annoyance and hurt evident in his eyes. "My parents are with the principal. That letter said everything. There's nothing left."

The sight of Bakugou, wearing a hoodie to hide his injured body, eyes puffy and red from countless tears, nearly broke Shoto. Another step, and Bakugou instantly recoiled, his body instinctively assuming a protective stance, as if preparing for an impending threat.

"You don't need to come any closer," Bakugou snapped, voice laced with bitterness. "Just look at me – disgusting."

Shoto's gaze never wavered, his voice soft yet unwavering, "Bakugou, no matter what has transpired, you remain the most beautiful person I've ever known. You're the one I always look for in any crowd, the one I'll always seek out."

A hint of pink colored Bakugou's cheeks, his formidable guard beginning to lower. "You're being cheesy," he murmured, yet the warmth in his voice was unmistakable.

In that split second of vulnerability, Shoto closed the distance, his fingers gently tilting Bakugou's chin upward, leaning in to plant a soft, heartfelt kiss on his lips. The world seemed to blur around them, leaving only the two of them in their bubble of shared emotion.

Bakugou's response was immediate. He pulled away, eyes wide with shock and a mix of emotions. "Wh-What was that for? We're over, remember?"

Gazing deeply into Bakugou's eyes, Shoto let the dam of emotions break. "Every moment, every memory, every shared laughter and tear – they mean something. I cannot, and will not, let go. I want you Katsuki."

Bakugou looked down, the weight of his insecurities pressing down on him. "My face... it's marred, ugly."

Without a word, Shoto leaned forward, placing his forehead against Bakugou's, their breaths mingling, their heartbeats in rhythm. "I see beyond the scars, beyond the imperfections. I care about your heart, Bakugou. Always have, always will."

"I love you katsuki,"

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