27. Mending Bridges with Food

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Chapter 27: Mending Bridges with Food

The tension in the air was palpable as they entered the cafeteria. Momo stood there, looking somber and hesitant. She approached Uraraka, her eyes filled with regret.

"I'm genuinely sorry, Uraraka," she began, her voice shaky. "I understand now how wrong I was. I got caught up in trying to fulfill my parents' dreams instead of following my own."

Uraraka, having evolved so much in such a short span of time, nodded. "Everyone makes mistakes, Momo. What matters is realizing them and making amends."

Momo took a deep breath, "Thank you for understanding. From now on, I'll focus on my passion for badminton, and let art be what it should be - a form of expression and not a tool for competition."

As they parted ways with Momo, Uraraka's attention was drawn to Shoto, sitting alone in a dimly lit corner of the cafeteria. The usually composed Shoto looked lost in thought, a deep frown marking his features. Sensing an opportunity to lighten his mood, Uraraka sneaked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a gentle hug.

"Guess what? Momo apologized, and the principal acknowledged my art!" she gushed.

Shoto's lips curved into a weak smile, "Congratulations, Uraraka. I'm really proud of you."

Sensing the melancholy in Shoto's voice, Midoriya prodded gently, "What's bothering you, Todoroki?"

Shoto sighed. "Bakugou. He's been... distant. I went to see him earlier, but he was wrapped up in his bedsheet, like a cocoon. He barely said a word."

Midoriya added, "Now that you mention it, this morning, he had covered his head to toe too. He was all tucked away when I left the room."

"This time he is really angry with me." Shoto muttered.

Uraraka, snapped her fingers. "You know what? Why don't we cook something for him? Food has a way of comforting the soul."

Shoto's eyes brightened slightly at the idea. "That sounds... nice. Do you think it will help?"

Midoriya grinned, "Kacchan can't resist good food. Let's give it a shot."

The trio, after school, made their way to the kitchen. Their plan was simple: make the spiciest curry ever, knowing how much Bakugou loved a good challenge.

Midoriya chopped the vegetables, Shoto focused on the meat, and Uraraka took charge of the spices. They worked in harmony, occasionally teasing each other and tasting their creation along the way.

Hours later, the curry was ready. They carefully packed it, making their way to Bakugou's room. The aroma was strong enough to pique anyone's interest.

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