21. Plans and Plots

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Chapter 21: Plans and Plots

The evening light filtered through the room's window, casting a soft glow over the three friends. Midoriya, upon entering and seeing Bakugou and Shoto on the bed, could already sense the electric energy between them. The atmosphere was a mix of academic seriousness from Shoto and mischievous plotting from Bakugou.

"So, you've been off the radar lately," Midoriya remarked, looking at Shoto.

Shoto, engrossed in a textbook, replied, "Exams. You know how it is."

Midoriya, with a bit of hesitance in his voice, said, "You know, I think... I might like Uraraka."

Bakugou, never one to hold back, immediately exclaimed, "Then why the hell are you sitting around? Ask her out!"

Midoriya frowned, "It's not that simple, Kacchan"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, "Everything's simple if you want it to be. You like her, you ask her. Boom. Done."

Midoriya sighed, "It's complicated, okay? What if she says no?"

Shoto looked up, intrigued by the conversation but not really wanting to be a part of it. As Bakugou opened his mouth to retort, Shoto swiftly intervened, picking up a piece of paper from Bakugou's cluttered desk. "Sorry, guys. Got to study."

Midoriya noticed the tension between them, "Are you two okay?"

Shoto, avoiding eye contact with Bakugou, simply said, "Yeah, just busy. Exams, remember?"

As Shoto left, Bakugou's eyes followed him. Once the door clicked shut, Bakugou flopped back on the bed, releasing a heavy sigh. But then, that mischief sparkled in his eyes again as he sat up, "Alright, Deku. Let's plot."

Midoriya couldn't help but smile. The next hour saw the two of them engrossed in making plans, some of which were outright hilarious.

"What about a surprise serenade in the cafeteria?" Bakugou proposed with a smirk.

Midoriya imagined the scene, and he couldn't help but laugh. "I can't sing, and you know it! Plus, she might throw something at me."

"How about you save her from a staged villain attack?" Bakugou continued, clearly enjoying himself.

Midoriya shot him a dubious look. "Are you volunteering to be the 'villain'?"

Bakugou shrugged, "Maybe. If it means seeing you get smacked around a little."

"Very supportive, Kacchan" Midoriya chuckled.

They continued tossing ideas back and forth. From surprise picnics in the school garden to a treasure hunt where Uraraka would find small gifts and notes leading her to Midoriya, they covered all bases.

Hours flew by, and by the end, they had a whole list of plans, each more outrageous than the last. Midoriya gazed at the list, both amused and bewildered.

Bakugou, with a finality in his voice, stated, "Remember, Deku, no matter what plan you choose, it's the intention that counts."

Midoriya nodded, grateful for the unexpected wisdom. "Thanks, Kacchan."

Bakugou shrugged, "Yeah, yeah. Don't get all sentimental. Now, let's finalize a plan and get you that date!"

With their heads together, the room filled with a blend of laughter and brainstorming as the night progressed.

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