19. Racing Hearts and Relay Races

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Chapter 19: Racing Hearts and Relay Races

Uraraka's sudden decision to sit beside Midoriya in class had triggered a string of chuckles and nudges. Denki, never one to miss out on poking fun, leaned over and whispered, "So, what's the latest gossip with Momo?" Midoriya's face turned fifty shades of red, avoiding Denki's eyes and subtly glancing towards Shoto for any sort of diversion.

With the sports meet in full swing, excitement echoed throughout the school. Midoriya, Bakugou, and originally Shoto, had planned to team up for the relay race. However, Shoto's sudden dedication to his exams had taken them by surprise. Bakugou tried persuading him, arguing, "Exams can be dealt with later, the relay can't!" But Shoto was unyielding.

Seeing their plight, Uraraka piped up, her voice filled with enthusiasm, "How about I fill in for Shoto? I promise I'll give it my all!" Both Midoriya and Bakugou exchanged glances. "Alright," Midoriya said, "Let's give it a shot!"

Their practice sessions were nothing short of entertaining. Midoriya, at one point, ran so fast that he nearly collided with Uraraka. Instead of a crash, they both ended up in a tangled mess on the field, laughing uncontrollably. Bakugou, trying hard not to laugh himself, remarked sarcastically, "If you both plan to dance during the relay, please give us a heads up."

The relay began, and the excitement was palpable. Bakugou took the first lap, his fiery determination evident in every stride. As he handed off the baton to Midoriya, their coordination was perfect. Midoriya sprinted, his green curls bouncing with every step. However, during the transition between Midoriya and Uraraka, the baton slipped!

Time seemed to slow as the baton began its descent. But, with her quick reflexes, Uraraka momentarily levitate it, catching it gracefully and continuing the race without missing a beat. The crowd erupted in cheers.

Their team managed to secure second place, but for Midoriya and Uraraka, it felt like a personal victory. As they caught their breaths post-race, Midoriya turned to Uraraka, "That move with the baton... that was amazing, Uraraka!"

Uraraka, her cheeks pink, laughed. "Well, I had to ensure we didn't lose because of a silly mistake!"

As they walked back, Midoriya playfully nudged Uraraka, "Thanks for joining our team. We wouldn't have managed without you."

Uraraka winked, "Anytime, partner!"

The day might've been about sports, but for Midoriya, it was the day he realized that sometimes, the best moments come from the unexpected twists in life's relay.

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