"Fine. Then, don't calm down." Ryver shrugs nonchalantly, "I don't give a shit. But you can continue to freak out at your place. Stand the hell up, I'm taking you home."

"I want some explanations." She doesn't make any move to stand up and by the way Ryver blows an irritated breath, I know he's starting to lose patience with her.

"Nat, let's just—" the rest of my sentence is rudely interrupted by the woman in question. She abruptly stands up from the couch and points a finger in my direction. "You shot a man, you have people looking after you. They said they know stuff about your dad. Who's their boss? Is he the one responsible for your father's disappearance? Is your dad alive? What the hell is going on?"

"She's losing it," Ryver simply says. "I know a good mental institution," his tone comes out mocking and light.

It's like he doesn't understand the gravity of the situation— or maybe, he doesn't care. Either way I have a feeling that this is all just a big game to him.

Plus, I have to consider the fact that Ryver is not a very serious person in general. He's full of jokes and sarcasm. So, it's really not surprising that he's not taking this seriously but it's scary in the sense that it doesn't look like it's anything new to him. Bet that wasn't what he had in mind when Nick told him to play bodyguard. Or maybe he was given an inkling of what was going on. Regardless, that doesn't explain his nonchalance towards the situation.

Has he dealt with stuff like this before? Has Nick? I know he probably did. Nothing is known about his life before Chicago, there has to be a good reason why. And being involved with criminals happens to be a great and valid reason.

"Fuck you, Ryver." Nat hisses then she shakes her head. "Whatever. I want to go home. But this conversation isn't over yet. I need a shower, food and sleep." She's already at the door when she turns to look at us. "Come on then, let's go already."


Ryver dropped me home about five minutes ago. He reassured me that everything's going to be okay before he left.

I seriously thought he'd stayed and continue to play bodyguard for a little longer. Maybe Nick told him not to stay. Anyhow, that's the very least of my concerns.

As usual, Carter isn't home. And this time, neither is Rhys. Staying home alone is probably not the smartest thing to do right now considering everything that's happened but for some reason, home feels safer than anywhere else right now.

Rhys had texted me earlier and said he went to help Zale decorate the tattoo parlour. The latter's been dying to redesign the place and make it look better. I don't get why, it's already perfect as it is.

I haven't been to my room ever since it was thrashed by Brian. I've been staying with Nat or when I'm home, I sleep in one of the guests room. I haven't found the time nor the will to redecorate my bedroom yet. It's still the way it was, torn posters, broken window, broken led lights and whatnot. Or so I think.

I go straight to the guest room I'm staying in. After taking a shower and having changed into a set of fresh and comfortable clothes, I lie down on the bed and stare blankly at the ceiling.

Boss wants to talk to you. You can't get away from us. We know who you are, where you live, who your friends are, where you work. We know everything about you. We've been keeping an eye on you ever since you were like three years old.

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