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"So," Ryver begins, "do you have any enemies we should know about?"

"No." That was a lie and judging by the glance Nick and Ryver exchanged half a second ago, they know it, too.

It's not that I don't want to tell them. It's that I can't talk about it. Not without having a whole damn panic attack or worst. Besides, I'm not even sure that it's him. I am not bringing that up— I am not going to reopen old wounds just because of a suspicion.

"No?" Ryver repeats after a moment of silence. When I shake my head, he sighs softly. "Pretty girl, we're going to need a honest answer if you want us to get to the bottom of this."

"We won't know where to look if you don't give us something to start with," Nick adds, looking at me with a certain kind of look in his eyes. It's like he's studying me. Like he's slowly unraveling all my secrets in his mind just by staring at me.

I'm not oblivious to the clear change between us since that hot as hell kiss we had shared the day prior, he's not either. I can see it in every single movement he's making. Like how he hasn't stopped stealing glances at my lips ever since Ryver got here or how he's running his tongue along his lower lip every now and how his mouth would turn up when I'd catch him staring.

He wants to do it again and he wants me to know that he does. While I want the same thing, we both know it's not the right time for that. We have more serious things to deal with.

"Exactly," Ryver crosses his arms, "so, we're gonna need you to tell us. Do you suspect anyone? Maybe it was Rhys, he wanted to prank you. That man's insane, I wouldn't put it past him."

"No," I immediately shake my head in disagreement. "He would never do that. Not even as a joke. And he hadn't been home all day."

"Carter has security cameras, doesn't he?" Ryver asks, raising a brow. I nod, "he does. But there's none in my room."

"And whoever did that wouldn't have walked through the front door," Nick cuts in. He has his brows drawn together as he continues, "so he entered through your window. That's why it was broken. Carter has security cameras all over the place except in your rooms which means, he has them outside as well."

"Okay," I'm not sure of what to say. "I'll call Carter and tell him to send me—"

"— Fuck asking." Nick cuts me off with a small scoff. He opens his laptop which he had taken the liberty to go grab before this conversation. "I'll look for the footages myself."

Of course you will. I roll my eyes at his tone. He sounds so sure he'll be able to and I don't doubt it.

"I know what you're thinking," Ryver fake-whispers in a dramatic way. "I'm thinking the same thing." He switches back to his normal voice, "and pray tell, what the hell are you wearing, hmm?"

I turn to look at him to find that he's staring blatantly at what I have on. His eyes snap up to my face and a small smirk appears on his lips, "is that Nick's shirt?"


He lets out a squeal, then he fans himself in the most dramatic way possible before pumping his fists in the air like some child, "I knew you two were fucking!"

"Overreaction at its finest," Nick looks up from the laptop screen and raises his brows at Ryver, "and you've never been more wrong. We are not fucking." He glances at me, "at least, not yet."

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