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|Nick's POV|

I hate this.

I hate how smart Aveline is- I'm not even gonna deny it. She's smart, one of the smartest people I know.

She has managed to find the exact location where her mother's going to be tomorrow in a span of fifteen minutes. She has been keeping track of whatever the fuck the woman who gave birth to her has been doing over the past few years and apparently, Amelie has a routine.

Unfortunately for me, Aveline decided to be a bitch at the last minute and not tell me her exact location. She said and I quote, 'you'll know when I take you there.'

In other words, she's gonna show me where she is instead of telling me. She'll be coming with me to the club where her mother will be.

Great, right?

Fucking amazing even.

I obviously said no to her little plan but she only shrugged and pulled a 'If you wanna know where she is, you know where to find me. That's the new deal.'

I honestly don't know where the fuck she gets the nerve to renew the terms of our deal but I did the same shit so I can't really complain.

She even told me that I can tell her about her dad once we get back. She sounds like she doesn't even care about him anymore but I know she does. She's just letting curiosity get the best of her. I would've done the same thing.

So yeah, that's basically how I'm currently in my car stuck with her for over seven minutes now with a song I haven't been paying attention to playing in the background because I'm too busy trying to keep my eyes on the road rather than let them drift to her.

Her thighs, precisely. Not my fault she's decided to wear a short fucking black skirt.

"What's the name of the club?" I ask, growing annoyed with all the directions she's tossing at me instead of just telling me where we are going.

"Turn left. You'll know when we get there," is all she says.

I bite my tongue, rolling my eyes at her words. I know what she's doing. I remember giving her similar answers everytime she'd question me.

"What's your mom doing in a club anyway?" I question out of curiosity, "I mean, you said she's working. I thought she's just-"

"- Amelie," she corrects with a certain bitterness in her voice. Can't blame her for despising the woman. Her hatred for her is valid. "She works in different clubs on different days. She's a stripper who takes men home every night thus the label- not that I care."

"Your dad was one of those men, wasn't he?" The question leaves my lips before I can stop it.

"Well done, Sherlock," she nutters with sarcasm laced in her tone. I ran my tongue across my inner cheek, huffing out a sigh. "Why are you coming with me? You wanna see your mom or you wanna meddle in my business?"

She lets out a small hum and doesn't miss a second as she replies with complete honesty, "the latter, obviously."

"Wow," I glance at her at the corner of my eyes, "thank you for your honesty."

"I've been taught to be honest."

"Oh, yeah?" I glance at her, "who taught you that?"

"Definitely not my parents," she blurts out and not a second after a breathy chuckle gets passed her lips.

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