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Hello beautiful ppl <3
Sorry for the late update. This week's been more exhausting than usual. School sucks :')


|Aveline's POV|

It's been a week since the whole drama at the parlour.

That day, Nick and Ryver had come back inside after around fifteen minutes and they both began acting as if the asshole didn't want him gone. It was kinda weird but nobody questioned it.

Needless to say, Ryver has been incredibly flirty with Nat and myself although he backed off her completely and immediately when Rhys threatened to feed him his own dick. I can tell he doesn't really feel threatened by my brother but listened to him anyway. It is understandable though, Rhys isn't exactly someone you'd be scared of.

Between him, Zale and Nick, he is the easy going type. The other two are a whole different story. Zale doesn't really mind Ryver working with him but that doesn't necessary mean that he suddenly trusts him. I saw him staring at Ryver judgmentally throughout the entire time.

Zale is kinda odd. I'd be lying if I say I didn't notice how many times Nick and him would disappear for an hour or more when we'd hang out. I'd be left alone with Rhys and Nat and that was shit because I felt like I was third wheeling them.

At first, I thought they were secretly dating or fucking. I mean, it was the only reasonable explanation I could come up with. But I was proven wrong when I asked Zale about it. He laughed and told me that he was as straight as someone could be, completely ignoring the most important question.

I didn't bring it up ever again. It's none of my concern anyway.

I spent last night going over the files Nat gave me even though I already know what they contained. I just couldn't help myself.

This whole finding out what happened to my dad thing is driving me crazy.

And anyone will be able to tell that by simply looking at me considering the fact that my hair's all over my head, absolutely messed up and there's visible dark circles under my eyes.

It's not until seven in the morning that my eyes catches sight of something interesting although I've been over the same files for about three to four times now to ensure that I haven't missed anything.

Dad was in debt.

My eyes almost pop out of their sockets when I see the amount. Fifty fucking million.

What the fuck?

Does Rhys or Carter know?

Even if he does, I can't ask him about this. He's gonna say I'm stupid for even looking into it after all these years. Rhys might say the same thing but he'll help if I ask him to. Carter might get pissed and tell me to drop it like he did so many times before. I never understood why he has a problem with it. I mean, it is none of his business yet he acts like it is.

Before I know it, I reach the living room from where I can hear voices. I thought that it was Rhys and the others but apparently, I was wrong.

I see Nick sitting there, sprawled on the couch with a small plastic bag in between his ringed fingers. I watch as he places his phone beside him. Oh, so he was talking on the phone. Thought he was crazy for a second. I narrow my eyes at the white powder looking thing that's in the bag.

What the hell? Is that what I think it is?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Nick turns his head in my direction as if he sensed my presence, revealing the cigarette that was tucked between his teeth.

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