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When  You can't spend even a minute or a second with someone who you don't even like to see. You can't even breathe the same air with them, you don't even like to see their face, you don't even like being near them.

Even after so much hatred, when you realize that you have fallen in love with a person whom you hate and your entire family hates.

Being drawn towards them even though you don't want to, seeing the face of someone you hate so much even without wanting to. Yearning to hear the voice of someone you didn't like at all, swearing to live and die with someone with whom you can't breathe even for a second. Fighting with your whole family over someone your whole family hates.

What is love really?

💗 It transforms years of enmity into kinship. which has the power to destroy hatred.

💗 Love is a moment which you want to live every day, every night, every hour, every minute, every second, with your loved one.

💗 Love is a challenge which is very difficult to complete. Every time a new challenge comes.

💗 Love is when you do it for someone and if you don't get it back then the world falls apart.

💗Love is that you won everyday and loose everyday.

💗 Love is such a feeling that it takes time to prove and confess, but when a person does both, then nothing is more difficult in this world.

💗 Love is a force that gives new hope to live.

💗 Love is such a pain that it makes you cry a lot, but those cries are precious and memorable too.

💗 Love is such an addiction that you are ready to do anything for the one you love, even if you have to go to any extent for it.

💗When one falls in love with someone discovers many feelings within love which one has never felt before.

💗 Love is an intensity, a feeling, a hangover, madness, strength, an obsession, a promise , etc.

But sometimes some people are not blessed with these things.

Love is such a power that it melts even a stone, so how big is this hatred for it?

But will this enmity of 30 years be erased?

Will this hatred end?

Will something happen that will end all the enmity between the two families?

Such is the life of both our characters, when they fall in love with each other, they forget that they are big enemies of each other. Both are very different from each other, their nature is very different, but when both come in front of each other, both become similar. Both are fire, will they be able to become water for each other?

This is the story of Rajveer Chauhan & Aishwarya Grewal .

There are some different characters in this book, they also have love stories.

Let's see what will happen in there life , how the life turn .

Enemies to lovers
Enemie's sister
Grumpy x Sunshine


✨ This is my first book that I am writing and I hope you like what I write and let me know how you liked it. Vote and comment.

✨. All these things have come from the mind of the writer, the characters and also the events that will happen in this story are all from the mind of the writer, nothing is in real life. All are fictional ( which we all like).

✨. And if someone doesn't like my story then I have no problem . I don't want hate comments because it affects the writer.

✨.This is mature content,  if anybody have problem with this then leave that part , I hope that you all understood that. Then enjoy the book. There is some abusive language, sexual content, blood content and others.

✨ The photos that are in this book are from Pinterest and Google.

✨. And please tell me how much more power there is in love and how far can love go?

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Vote and comment 💗
Stay healthy and happy 😊
Love you my makhano 😉💗

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