Back Alley:

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Everything was pitch black, expect a bandana that was black and white, the white parts of it were basically neon.

Then you were thrown onto the ground and the bandana person left the room, and locked the door.

- Back Alley -

You shivered after that horrifying scene, you can't seem to remember what happened after the battle. Coughing and sniffling, it was really cold in here.. it was dark, and lonely.

But you were no stranger to these types of things.. you reached for your flashlight in your pocket.. SERIOUSLY Y/N, YOU FORGOT IT AT HOME!?

Well dang it..

Then the door opened up again.

With a hint of light, you noticed a silhouette of a familiar inkling..

"Y/N!? What are you doing in here, and why are you so scratched up!?" Army ran towards you, very worried.

"I-I don't know" You answered with honesty, but tear in your eyes.

"Wait here Y/N, I hear something." Army said, in a hushed tone.

- outside the room -

"There you are, Army." Skull said.

"Greetings, Skull." Army replied.

"Good news and bad news." Skull said.

"And what may that be."Army questioned.

"Bad news, Mask got defeated by Y/N, but luckily.. they won't be getting away with it tonight.." Skull announced with a devilish grin.


You heard this and knew, this could be the end of you. So it's time to escape their grasp quickly.

And then you tried to stand up, your chest was sore.. but you managed to get up and saw a wrench beside a vent on the other side of the room, you ran to it and picked it up.. but then.. you froze. You became extremely cold, and turned your head behind you. Skull stood behind you.

"So it looks like the skilled nobody is trying to escape." Skull said as he walked closer to you, slowly..

Once he was in front of you.. he-

That was all you could remember, everything was black.


You woke up eventually, on your couch. A shadow of someone you didn't find familiar enough walked towards you.

"Y/N, are you alright?" A female inkling asked you.

"y-yeah.. w-what happened?" You asked curiously.

"You were missing after your match with Mask, we found you in a dark alley." The female inkling responded.

"O-oh.. um- was there any damage...?" You asked, in search of answers, not being able to tell if you just had a nightmare or not.

"You seemed to be pale and scratched up.. so we patched it up and healed you up." The female inkling answered.

"o-oh um.. thanks.." you replied.

"Oh yeah, someone actually let us know you were injured and sent us your way, they wanted to visit you, will you allow this?" The female inkling interrupted.

"Oh um- sure....?"

"They requested it to be private, I'll leave the room for a moment."

"Got it.."


The medic then left, while unlocking the door for your guest, you just waited on your couch, not even bothering to move your neck, it was sore after all.

Soon enough, a tall inkling with dark purple tentacles walked towards you, S4 Member.. Skull..

"Hello.. Y/N.." Skull spoke in a bone chilling tone, even your bones were chilling, (you didn't even have any!)

You were speechless..

"Your just weak, and you know it." Skull said in a cold tone.

You were in an ultra freezing sweat. Yet so blazing hot, there was no words to describe your pain.

"I'd back out now, before your publicly executed."


"That's a threat Y/N.."

Words: 549

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