S4 Member: Aloha:

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(may contain small amounts of blood)

You missed Aloha.. obviously he dodged to the side and you face planted on your wooden floor.. your face had gotten a little bit bruised..

You couldn't get up.. you were hopeless.. with Aloha in your apartment.. about to expose you.. of who you really were..

Then you had an idea for him to stop.. but it wasn't exactly a good one..

"HEY ALOHA-A!" You yelled to Aloha.


"I challenge- e y- you.. to a- b-battle.. I- if I win-n, y-you d-don't sa-y a-anything.." you said.. stuttering like crazy.. that was the most you've stuttered.. EVER.

Aloha came towards you and put his arm around you.. trying to at least try and calm you down..

"Hey.. it's okay~" Aloha said.. I guess whenever you stuttered, Aloha got worried, I guess.. your tone does usually shift to a more upset tone whenever that happens.. that might be why..

You were breathing heavily during this state.. and just needed some comfort.

"Would you like to move the battle to tomorrow, Y/N~"

"Y-yes.. please.." You said.. shivering a little bit..

He proceeded to agree and carried you onto your couch and placed a blanket over you.. you looked restless.. and you didn't mind Aloha doing this for you.. (this isn't romance.. you were just tired..)

Then he left..

You eventually feel asleep after roughly 14 minutes, at 9:27pm and woke up the next morning refreshed and ready for the battle..

You made to the lobby.. in one piece..

The map was Mahi Mahi, a map that doesn't give you trama! Luckily you might actually have a chance today..


The match began.

You charged into mahi mahi with amazing speed and hid in the other teams base and painted it.. then super jumped back to your base to find the enemies already has painted it..

You did the obvious thing and tried to paint your base back without being splatted.. it worked.. but then it came trying to get those rats out of your base..

Unfortunately doing so, you were splatted.. and then they did their special disco ball dance as the cherry on top.. ouch..

43 seconds on the clock.. you felt like losing hope.. but you remembered the amount of paint you painted on the rest of the map.. so you swam through it to lure them out.. and it worked!


YOU WON! YOU ACTUALLY WON! You couldn't believe it.. maybe you just needed to shake off those bad feelings once and for all.. and with a hint of motivation.. you are well on your way to perhaps.. winning..?

"Good game!" You said, almost cheering.. you just were really proud of yourself.. for pulling it off..

Though Aloha looked a bit bummed out.. a bit ashamed.. as Army was supposed to be the "weakest" but then Aloha wasn't able to defeat the same person that Army dominated.. he still had wonderful sportsmanship.

But after you tried to go home..


Someone pulled you by your jacket.. and made you face them.. the area randomly gets dark, because this is fan-fiction.. and *anything* is possible..

"No funny business, you understand that?"

Then you realized this person was none other than Mask from the S4.

"I-I understand.." You stuttered a little.. but you were afraid.. so that was pretty understandable..


Then he dropped you.. and you crash landed on the cold concrete.. and he was gone..

You had a few scratches on your arms.. and although it wasn't that bad.. you were helpless.. and you couldn't get up.. but then a shadow lurked over you..

(SORRY FOR THE SHORTER CHAPTER, I WANTED TO LEAVE IT SOME SORT OF CLIFF HANGER!! Go check out my new podcast where I read this story!!! ONCE PER WEEK! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8q0GlaSYvrJIPCIaHGEAiavWZx6HUE-5&si=qyrFlxaT7cGGHhJv - BH)

Total Words: 652

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