Trick or.. Splat: (BONUS!)

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Art not mine:

since my writers block is terrible, we're doing a Halloween Special with Y/N.. enjoy! -


2nd person

It was Splatoween.. but unfortunately due to some problems at the battle tower.. Splatoween was delayed for a few days after the holiday.. what a crime..

But why not take the time to try this.. "Trick or Treat" that Aloha had posted about on his inkstergram account..

It's not like they are planning to scare you to death or anything- right..? There's no way it was a trap to distract you from defeating the rest of the S4.. hopefully..

Anyway it's time to begin! Let's begin! Starting at Aloha's Splatoween party!

*Nobody's view: Meanwhile the S4*

Aloha: I think Y/N saw my post, they are coming soon!

Army: That's good to hear.. I guess this would be perfect timing.

Skull: To scare away our "problem"..

Mask: *just sits in silence*

Aloha: Why didn't we invite Rider again?

Skull: Because he has a soft spot for Y/N, he definitely wouldn't want to be involved.

Aloha: No, I mean.. at all..?

Skull: Cause Y/N defeated him like it was nothing.. he's clearly weak.

Aloha: didn't I also lose horribly..?

Mask: *looks over at Aloha* Don't push your luck.

Aloha: fine~ plus! This is gonna be perfect!

Army: Let's just get this ready for Y/N..

2nd Person

You had just arrived at Aloha's Halloween Party..

There was an all you can stash buffet.. heh.. I wonder why he put that there.. :)

That obviously got your attention when you figured out about this party, it practically baited you in!

Oh well.. your done the all you can stash.. by the one black bag you brought just for this.. and now you had your own mini basket for
The preparations to have the best splatoween of your life!

Let's go!

You moved on towards the first house after Aloha's Party House.. and got some treats from some inkling around your age.. you were very polite and thanked them for the treats.

Next House!

This house actually happened to be empty.. but some really good decorations were outside! You left a note complimenting them..

And then you noticed.. with a little bit of an extra walk.. you could get to the rich squid neighbourhood, more specifically Emperor's house.. too bad the lines can take like 10 hours.. maybe try the day after- no, too many squids would try that..

Let's just focus on the houses that might also have great candy..

You were about to approach another house.. but then.. someone grabbed you by the shoulder..

oh no- not again..

You wanted to panic, but the person grabbing you was unfortunately clever enough to cover your mouth.

You tried to struggle away, but it wouldn't work.. whoever was taking you.. was definitely strong..

Then suddenly they covered your eyes too..


After a little bit of a brief sagement.. you felt like you got thrown against a wall.. it was in a bit of an isolated place.. but it had dim light..

There was 4 squids.

They all looked dangerously like- serial killers-..

uh oh..

You wanted to scream, but your mouth was covered by duck tape.. ouch..

"This is gonna be fuun.." A voice said.. that also dangerously sounded like Mask.. from the.. S4!?

You felt infinitely helpless..

"You sure this is a good idea?" A voice that sounded like Army's asked concerned.

"Aw~ don't be such a party pooper." Aloha looked over at Army..

Shesh if these guys are actually fake, they are actually doing a really good job..

Unfortunately.. they aren't..

Suddenly you realized one of them was missing...

And then there was a sudden there was more pressure on your shoulders.. it kind of hurt.. but don't cry now.. you'll obviously be seen as weak..

They pushed you over, and your vision went dark.


You later, did wake up on the sidewalk, no tape, and no rope.. though you definitely noticed that the tape was removed very harshly and it was stinging. Especially that it was duck tape.. poor Y/N.

Though you were still terrified.. and you ran home after that.. too bad you lost your very few candy pieces that you had during tonight.

Well actually you did find it while running, including the food from the "all you can stash".

Thank cod you found it though-

Words: 683 - BH

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