Bad to Worse:

100 1 1

You played your all, but then realized there was 25 seconds left.. but just couldn't quite make it out with an unfortunate score of 34.9 to 55.4

You.. lost..

You just sat there.. in your spawn.. realizing what just happened.. maybe you just weren't the chosen one.. they would probably forget about you in a matter of weeks.. you just weren't special..


Then suddenly Army came over and sat down next to you..

"You weren't actually okay.. were you..?" Army then said.

"..." you just gave him a silent nod.

"Are you gonna be okay..?"

"..." you didn't reply.. you just didn't know what to say..

"You don't really seem alright, is there anything I could do?"

"..not really.." you said.. but then army noticed the sadness in your tone.. you felt pretty lonely..

"hm.. okay.." Army said and then he pulled out his phone and texted Skull about the match..

(Text Messages, Army & Skull)

Army: Quick update: I was able to defeat Y/N.

Skull: excellent..

Army: What should we do now..?

Skull: Not sure, how is Y/N feeling?

Army: They seem to be hiding their feelings very well.. I can't seem to figure it out.. they are practically mute..

Skull: Should we send in Aloha?

Army: Oh, sure.. I guess we could try that. Maybe having the 5 of us might of frightened them a little.. 1 on 1s could work better..

Skull: I'll DM him then, thanks for beating Y/N before things got out of hand.

Army: You're welcome,

(End of DMs)

While Army was texting, you just sat there.. hugging yourself..

Your chest had a little bit of a bruise.. but it was alright..

Then Army stopped texting and looked over at you, 

"You sure that your alright..?"

"...I'm- fine.." you lied..

"I don't appreciate being lied to.."

You were now scared.. he obviously knew you weren't okay.. you then felt very uneasy..

"I'm guessing the meal last night made you a little uneasy today?"

you proceeded to nod..

Army sighed and then said, "Come here.." and he held out his arms.. looking like he was gonna give you a hug..

You were hesitant at first.. but still came over.. you needed it..


After the pleasant hug, Army then left.. you got up to leave but felt.. another presence..

You looked up at the viewing area.. the rest of the S4 were here.. so they came to watch.. you be defeated..

You immediately dashed home.. but around the half way mark.. a pink inkling approached you..

"huh?" You said curiously..

"Y/N, nice to see you again, how are you?" Aloha asks..

"uh um.." you didn't know what to do.. so you tried to continue running.. but never try running from Aloha, he unfortunately caught by your wrist before you could leave..

"Why'd you try to run.. Y/N.." Aloha said with a little bit of a worried expression..

"umm..." you didn't know what to say.. "could we discuss this.. elsewhere..?"

"Oh, sure.. your apartment?"

"..yea.... If you don't mind.."

"Okay, your apartment it is~"

... Time-skip & 1st Person View: (and yes first person is finally back.) ...

I was pretty anxious.. but there wasn't really a way to run from this, so I guess my apartment was the 2nd best option..

And after an awkward walk.. we made it to my apartment.. I took a seat on my neat couch..

The apartment wasn't really that big, but it had like 3 rooms, and I somehow kept it clean.. most of the time..

"Take a seat.." I said a little nervously..

Aloha then took a seat next to me.

"So, why did you run off, were you sad or scared of something.."

" I was on my way home for something.." I lied.. I was just under a lot of stress.. I didn't know how to tell him that..

Then he randomly.. hugged me??

"I know you aren't telling the truth.. do you not feel like sharing it~" Aloha said.

"..I- It's not that I don't feel like it.. I-I just don't know how to explain it-." I tried to say but got cut off by Aloha.. 

"shh.. shh.... your okay.." Aloha said.. trying to calm me down.. I'm not usually a person to stutter.. and he picked that up quickly..

I took a deep breath and sat there next to Aloha for a while..

"Y/N.. did something happen while you were fighting against Army..?" Aloha then asked in a more softer tone..

I sighed and then told myself in my head.. "Here goes nothing.." and then said..

"Well.. a bad memory of the specific stage.. came back.. from 2 years ago.. it wasn't-t just last night that made me feel a bit off.." I tried saying as best as I could before bursting into tears..

Aloha hugged me again and wiped away my tears..

"Would you be okay with talking about it, Y/N?~" Aloha said.. I thought about saying yes but- he could tell the S4 anything I say.. heck.. anything that happened for the past few minutes..

"I'm not really comfortable with sharing it.." You tried saying calmly.. but it didn't really work..

"Oh, oki! But there's one more thing~.." 

"...there's a catch, isn't there?"

"Yep! You have to beat me in a battle, or else I'm telling the rest of the S4 everything you said.." Aloha said.. basically explaining that he's gonna blackmail me..

Now I feel lucky that I didn't share the bad memory..

"...are you serious?" I said but then Aloha disappeared before he could answer me..

I closed my window and sat on my couch, in a ball, and felt regret..

Words: 876

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