Danger Zone:

110 2 0

(*2nd Person:*)

It was now 2:00pm.. you had just finished having lunch... but you've felt a unsettling presence from nearby. It was making you uncomfortable.. you tried to run.. but then you got pulled back by someone.. they pinned towards a nearby wall..

"WHAT!?-" You screamed.

"shh.." The figure said and revealed themself to be Army from the S4..

You was stunned but a little bit unsurprised.. Rider and Aloha already knew who you were, so who's to say that the rest of the S4 knew..? Though you couldn't speak.. due to fear.

"I'm warning you right now.. we're onto you.." Army said and then suddenly disappeared.


You were just left stunned.. on the side walk next to a small building.. alone.. nobody else nearby..

You got up, and went back to your apartment..

You didn't wish to show it, but you felt very anxious..

(*1st Person*)

My gosh.. this was killing me.. like- I can't even explain how I feel.. I wanted to hide in a closet for the rest of my life and never come out. 

I- I..

(Timeskip & 2nd person)

It was 5:57pm.. you was on their couch.. when your phone starting ringing, requesting a call from an unknown number.. 

You accepted.. what else can go wrong..?

"...hello..?" you asked..

"Hello.. this is Y/N, right..?" a voice that sounded a lot like Army's came through the phone..

You hung up immediately.. a little terrified.. and VERY shaky..

... "I'm dead.." you told yourself.. hanging up was probably the worst option.. but it was too late now..

And you were correct..

"Seems like you were too anxious for the phone call?" A voice came from the window and they stepped inside your apartment..

"..." you just proceeded to nod inside your very dim apartment..

"You can't escape me.. and you should know that.." Army said a bit slower and then walked towards you.. where you sat on the couch and stood tall behind you..

"...I'm- sorry for hanging up.."

He sighed and then told you.. "Get up.. your coming with me for a meal.." Army practically ordered..

as expected.. you was stunned.. so you just followed him down the street to a nearby restaurant.. you are really only hoping that you aren't paying the bill..

You both walked inside..

"Reserved under Army, please.." Army said respectfully.. and walked along the tables and hand signalled me to follow..

After a little bit of walking.. you were led to a table.. already seating 4 other people.. them being the remaining members of the S4.. and Rider.. I guess he just tagged along..

You.. were done for.. but your thinking was cut off by Army giving you another hand signal, to take a seat. 

Then you did take a seat.. you of course.. did not get the seat that led out of the booth.. instead.. Army and Rider sat next to you.. surrounding you, so you couldn't leave.

Skull and Mask were on the opposite side of the booth.. Mask was playing games on his phone.. and Skull was ordering basically every dessert on the menu.. and not forgetting Aloha, Aloha almost got shoved out of the booth.. due to Mask getting a bit annoyed of Aloha..

This was the first time that you've gone to a restaurant with other people in a while..

And it was really awkward..

Then finally.. after a long wait.. Army asked you something.. "Are you wanting to order anything?"

"...no thanks.. I'm good.."

"you sure..? we won't make you pay for anything.. regardless.."

"oh.." you sat there.. looking at the menu and asked for a small pack of fries.. really politely.. but you were very nervous..

"I'll order that then.." Army said.. not even looking at you.

"thanks.." you said

and then more awkward silence followed.. Rider just kind of stared down at the table and Aloha teased him every once and a while..

But eventually Aloha decided to acknowledge you..

"Hey Y/N~ care to talk about what happened at my party last night..?" Aloha said and it sparked the attention of everybody else at the table.. you didn't want to admit it..

Then you got really nervous.. everyone else was a bit curious and waited on you to speak..

But you didn't..

Aloha sighed.. "Your ashamed of it, aren't you..?~"

You looked down at the table.. you didn't want to lie again.. but not tell the truth either..

so instead.. you just nodded..

The rest of the people at the table did want to question you, but it seemed like a sensitive subject to you at the moment.. so they left it alone..

Then my phone silently vibrated.. Rider was texting me, asking me if I was alright..

Text Messages:

Rider: You okay?

Y/N: kind of..

Rider: How come?

Y/N: I'm just nervous.. cause this is the first time I've gone out to a restaurant with people in a few years.. besides yesterday.. and I'm a tiny bit starstruck.

Rider: Oh, okay.. well if anything bad happens.. I'm next to you..

Y/N: thanks Rider.

Rider: you're welcome..

**End of Messages**

You then thought to yourself.. why were you the chosen one.. why did they pick somebody like you..?

Though midway through thought- you smelled the food in this place.. and it smelt so good.. it almost made you tired..

You felt a little bit relaxed.. though still very stressed..

You then noticed Skull and Army just staring at each-other.. for a solid while..

But then.. at last.. the food arrived at the table..

Total Words: 862

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