Not much Comfort:

113 2 4

*2nd Person*

The food had arrived.. and you ate a small pack of fries in silence.. not even a sound..

*Time-skip to after everyone finished eating.*

Everyone had finished their meal.. of course Skull ate desert for dinner.. his sweet tooth is beyond bobble's smile..

"Finished.."  Army said after finishing his salad..

Mask hadn't ate anything, but he was fine..

Rider and Aloha finished their meals too, and you also finished.. 

then it got awkward.. Skull stared into your soul like it was nothing.. it made you a bit uncomfortable..

Then it was awkward for the next few minute.. you just kind of sat there.. staring at the table.. why did you even get invited here..? D- did they want to find something out..?

You were unsure.. but decided to try not to let your guard down..

Then Army spoke up, he was almost the Mom of the group.. since the rest didn't really care..

"Seems like we all finished.. now.. to pay the bill.."

Suddenly the other 4 at the table looked at each other with a bit of a guilty expression on their faces.. while you just kind of sat there.. silent..

Army then spoke again.. "You guys forgot your cash again, didn't you?"

And then they nodded with guilt.. you did think about handing over some cash.. but you didn't have a lot..

Army sighed, and then said "Fine, I'll pay again.."

You felt bad.. so you slid over a little bit of cash you had in your pocket..

Army then looked at you and smiled.

It was a little bit more than the fries costed.. so that was a bit less money that Army had to spend.. he was grateful for your kindness.. though he didn't say it.. you knew he definitely wanted to..

And after Army paid the bill, it was time to leave.. then Army got up and so did everyone else..

Then Army looked at you and said.. "I'll escort you Y/N."

You were a bit stunned.. but still didn't question it.. and then the rest of the S4 left in different directions.. meanwhile you and Army walked back to your apartment..

"Um- thanks..?" You said to Army..

"Not a problem.. yet.." Army said.. he sounded a bit cold with that answer.. but it was a bit late.. and he wasn't writing in his manual like he would around this time..

It was very chilly around this time.. you were alright.. though getting colder by the minute..

"There's something we should've discussed earlier.. but you didn't seem very social back at the restaurant.." Army then said.. and glared at you for a moment while saying the last part..

"..and what may that be..?"

"Y/N, you seem.. more skilled.. than average.. may having a battle against me interest you..?"

You were quite stunned.. first Rider, now Army...?

"uh- um..." but then your mind worked on its own and made you say.. "yeah.. it does.."

You kind of regretted saying yes.. but you didn't look back on that and hoped for the best..

"Hm.. alright.. tomorrow at 10am, sharp, understand?" Army said.

"Understood." You then said as you arrived at your apartment.

Army then led you inside your apartment and left..


Then it was just you and your thoughts.. you waited until he was gone and screamed and laid on the floor.. after you put a sign on the door and window that you were fine, of course!

You drank some water after that.. and sat on the couch..with 2 pillows and a plushie..

You then scrolled on splatnet to pass the time.. until you eventually fell asleep..

*Time-Skip 3:13am*

You woke up.. and you felt sick.. you must've gotten a fever..

You also oddly felt like on the verge of tears..

Then you were breathing heavily.. you felt dizzy.. you didn't feel good at all..

Then suddenly.. your window was cracked open..

" alright..?" a familiar voice asked.

"" you answered to the best of your ability.. though it was quiet..

Then he came over and sat beside you on your couch..

"Get relaxed.. you'll be laying here for quite a bit.." Army said as he placed a thinner blanket on you and put an extra pillow behind your neck..

He was.. being nice..? You almost didn't believe it.. it didn't seem real..

"You'll get better in a few hours.. don't worry-"

You then were caught up by you waking back up in your apartment.. It was just a dream..

You weren't madly sick.. just a small fever.. and there was no sign of Army.. you checked your watch and it was 10am..

"10 AM!?" you then screamed to yourself..

"Oh, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!! IM LATE, AND ITS ALL MY FAULT!"

You SCREAMED at yourself madly, you were usually an early bird, but last night must've thrown you off..

You quickly got dressed quickly and headed back into your living room.. but you almost tripped on your own feet..

Then you looked at your window and saw Army with a bit of an angry expression.. "You didn't show up.."

You felt guilty.. but you knew you tried your best..

"You look a bit tired.. I'm guessing you slept in, am I correct?" Army then realized and decided to ask.

"Yeah.." You said, still pretty tired.. though you felt like collapsing, you tried to avoid it..

"You look like your about to pass out, are you okay?"

"...I don't really know.."

Army sighed and then.. "you should sit down.. it'll make it a bit better.. I'll make some curry.. you good with that..?

"..yeah.. sure.."

You were a bit shocked about this turnout.. as much as Army did want to splat you constantly for being late.. he still cared about you..

Words: 911 -BH

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