Chapter 19

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Greenleigh POV:

Fine. Fine? FINE? Ugh well he looks terrible too. That's a lie, he is pretty.

"You ok babe?" Lani asks me mid curling my hair.

"Am I better looking than fine?" I ask her.

"Lee, I am being 100% honest you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. Inside and out."

"I second those words," Ry says through a mouthful of raspberries. I reach out my hand for him to give me some. "What's making you think you aren't totally amazing?"

"Niko told me the dress looked fine. Nothing else was said," I complain. Lani tips my head back and I mumble a sorry. I squirm a lot when she does my hair. She is the best at doing hair, I think Lani might be my guardian angel in the form of a model.

"He was probably trying to get rid of a boner or something," Ry tells me. I throw the first thing I can at him which just so happens to be the raspberries. Now I'm sad.

"Now look look who is suffering the consequences of her own actions." Ry laughs while feeding me some more raspberries. I smile at him. How could I get so lucky?

"My work here is done, Niko is gonna be here soon so go get the dress on." Lani shoos me out of the chair and I grab the dress. One thing I know is that this dress is beautiful and I look pretty in it. Who cares what Tommy says, or thinks, or whatever.

I come out and Lani tells me to give her a spin. "Do we have a beautiful best friend or what?" Ry asks Lani. She nods and puts some pearl earrings on me.

"Ok now I am really hungry, this fancy shmancy place better have some good ass food or I'm rioting." I breathe out. This dress might me a little tight. beauty is pain.

"There will be good food, if not we can get burgers from the place down the street." Lani tells me.

"Oooooh Promise?" I ask excitedly. I'll tell you what they might have 30 ounces of grease but they are delectable.

"Now, take pictures, have fun and spill every when you get ho-" Lani is cut off by the doorbell ringing. Walking towards the door Lani slaps my ass.

"Stop it pervert." She laughs at what I say and I open the door. I thought he was handsome before. In a tux, it's a whole new level. My brain is short circuiting.

"Stop staring" Ry whispers through clenched teeth. I snap out of whatever daze I'm in.

"Hey," I breathe out, "you ready?"

"Umm. What?" Tommy's eyes quickly find mind.

"I said are you ready?"

"Yes, are you?"

"I wouldn't be asking you if I wasn't."

"Right that makes sense."

"Can you guys stop with the weird dazed flirting thing its making me want to throw up." Ry butts in. Lani swats at him and pushes me out the door more.

"You two have fun, bring her home safely. I want her home by midnight," Lani points sternly at Niko before breaking into a giggle. She waves goodbye and we walk on to Niko's car.

Once we reach his car he opens the door for me. I pick up the hem of my skirt and sit down in the passenger seat.

"I'm so excited I feel so fancy and I can't wait to see my sister," I say while looking for a song to play. I land on the sound track for heathers when he finally responds.

"You look very fancy. And beautiful." I'm shocked by his words so the best I can do is give a thumbs up and sing along loudly to the music. A small smile passes his lips and I try to ignore this odd and familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach.

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