Chapter 8

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Niko POV:

Its been 2 days 4 hours and thirteen minutes since I dropped that annoying girl off at her house and she kissed me on the cheek. But hey, whose keeping count? Greeny left saliva and left over pink lipstick on my cheek, it was disgusting. Also my room smells like buttercream frosting I had to disinfect everything in my room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Silas asks laughing.

"Laundry," I give him a one word answer while piling all sheets, pillow cases, and blankets into a basket.

"You have washed them three times. I think whatever you are trying to wash away is gone," he tells me still laughing at what I am doing. I am not sure what is so funny.

"A drunk annoying girl slept in my bed. You don't know what diseases she has," I tell him gruffy continuing my journey to get rid of any buttercream remnants that psycho. Anyone who is so obsessed with Disney Channel Originals has earned the title sociopath.

Technically Let It Shine wasn't a horrific movie but still. Silas goes back to sitting on the couch and planning his way to 'woo' Lani, his words, definitely not mine. Since its Valentines day he is going all out. His family is pretty well off so he said he isn't sparing any expense.

Again, I couldn't imagine myself being so caught up with a girl that I would spend half my inheritance on gifts to get a date. After putting my blankets in the washer I check my phone and see I only have thirty minutes until my Calc class starts, I quickly grab my bag and rush off to make it on time.

Walking through the class doors I see everybody is already seated and Links is about to start any second. I keep my head down and walk up to my normal seat. Green Girl is already sitting there looking up at me with a smile. I swear her face is going to be stuck like that. It isn't a good look.

Stop it. I'm trying to tolerate her. It isn't working out that well. Ignoring her face I sit down and focus on Links lecture. He drones on for awhile and I start to zone out until something pokes me in my arm. Buttercream.

"Tommy. Tommy. Niko, Nik. Nikarino," God could her voice get anymore annoying than it already is.

"What?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Jeez grumpy pants. I thought you could stop zoning and help with this super important issue," I have a feeling she's about to go on a big rant, "My best friend, your best friend. Catchin' my drift?"

"No, and I don't want to," I say hoping to whatever God there is for her to go back to leaving me alone.

"Silas called me up and asked for my help to get Lani to go on a date. With all the hanging out they did, he never got her number. She said to not give it to him, Lani is making him work for it. See Silas is becoming my friend but I go by Lani's word-" Silas has her number?

"Get to the point if there is one," I cut her off.

"My Lord you have no patience, anyways. I am trying to help Silas convince or 'woo' Lani, his words not mine. Since you are his bestfriend I think you could be of service. Even is she doesn't admit it, she likes him. As soon as we got home Lani was all giggly and humming," Greeny rambles on poking my arm almost every word she says. I grab her finger to stop.

"No," I spit. Why would I choose to spend more time with this lunatic than absolutely necessary?

"Oh come on. It's Valentines day, have a heart," Greeny goes on. I think her pupils literally turned into hearts, "Since I have no one to celebrate with, I have to live vicariously through others. Hey you never know, I could help you out with someone. Any ideas? Anyone strike your fancy?" Her voice has a teasing tone and I just swat her hand away.

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