Chapter 9

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Greenleigh POV:

"What was that?" Niko asks confused from the spot next to me. I feel like he is confused on the whole 'she went to the future' situation. He looks over to me and his eyebrows are scrunched. I swear if he scrunches his eyebrows one more time his face will be stuck like that.

"What was what?" I asks him. All he does was wave his arms towards the TV, "oh that. That was one of the best movies ever made."

"Says who?" he asks me.

"Me, obviously. Mark Ruffalo plus Jennifer Garner equals me becoming obsessed with this movie since I was 15." He nods in confused agreement.

"Want to watch another?" Niko painedly asks me, "how about Enchanted?" I snap my head over to him.

"That's like my favorite movie. How did you know? I didn't even know you new movies at all," I spit out very confused.

"You were listening to the soundtrack today," he tells me simply, "I took a guess." I quickly turn on the movie and pop a chocolate in my mouth. They are the most delicious things I've ever tasted. They came in a fancy box so I bet they were expensive.

I love romance and I am so happy that Lani and Silas are getting together. It's just, I've never been wanted like I see in movies and books. I've had one boyfriend in my entire life and it was in middle school with a guy who thought I was annoying and ignored me. Not the poster couple for ever-lasting love if you know what I mean.

I had a fling sophomore year with some basketball guy that lasted a week and he was a complete douche who made me feel like crap. So Valentines Day reminds me of how lonely I am. I know Niko finds me annoying, but I'm glad he came over. It was nice. I think I'm growing on him. Rehearsal was cancelled today so we got an extra day off. Probably killed Ben because he couldn't see Lizzie.

About an hour later the credits start to roll and I check the time. "Its getting late, you should probably get going," I tell him starting to stand up. He follows after me but pauses for a moment and picks up my candle.

"Buttercream," he mumbles looking at the label.

"Yup, I got it at a farmers market and fell in love with it. So I searched every farmers market for the next month and bought every Buttercream candle they had. So if you look in my closet you with find about 13 of those exact candles," I tell him. He nods and sets the candle down.

I didn't know he would be so weirded out by a candle, but hey he's a little weird. I walk him out and he stands at the door for a moment. Without a second thought I hug him a little, "thank you for hanging out with me," I mumble into his chest. He doesn't hug me back but that's all right.

"Um... bye." He says quickly and turns on his heel. Despite popular belief Niko is pretty funny, unintentionally.

Ry comes out of his room and gives me a confused look, "You got any of those fancy chocolates left?" he asks.

"Wanna go eat crazy expensive chocolate and hang out at a park?" I offer up an idea to pass time. I have finished my essays and assignments and I am really bored now Niko has left.


We have finished all the chocolates except the walnut clusters because I'm allergic. Yes I have a nut allergy, yes I am the weakest link. And since Ry and Lani are the best people ever, they stopped eating walnuts for me. To be fair Ry never liked walnuts to begin with.

Ry is seeing how fast he can spin me on the Merry Go 'Round. "If I break my back on this thing you are taking the blame!" I yell as Ry is laughing and running around like a maniac. As soon as he lets go he jumps onto it. The Merry Go 'Round is still spinning fast which cause Ry to be pulled back and off of it. I start cackling until I am also pulled off and land on top of him.

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