Chapter 11

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Greenliegh POV:

If there is one thing I understand is that I am not everyone's cup of tea. Some people aren't going to get along and that is perfectly fine. What hurts my feelings is that people are so rude about it. You can say nicely that being friends with me isn't working.

You don't have to list all my negative qualities and make me feel like shit. I forgave him for being rude. Now we go our separate ways and hopefully he can handle his dislike for me in a mature way.

Two days have passed since his weak apology. I expected nothing else from him, Niko doesn't seem like a big apologizer. Before heading to Calc I decided I needed some junk food to get me through the day.

The most beautiful machine is in my line of sight and I speed walk right over to it. Scanning through my options my heart is drawn to both sour patch kids or a brown sugar pop tart. Obviously I choose both.

I put in my dollar and the pop tart falls. Waiting patiently for my sour patch kids they get stuck. No, No, No. My heart is shattering into pieces. I start kicking the glass.

"You stupid machine. How dare you take my beautiful candy," I start mumbling while continuing to kick the bottom of the machine.

Something thumps the side of the machine which causes my sour patch kids to fall.

"Thank you candy Gods," I mumble to the ceiling.

"No need to call me a God," Someone says beside me in a low and rumbly voice. Looking over I see Niko leaning against the vending machine. Wow, he speaks.

I hold out the bag to him, "Would you like to chomp off the head of a kid?" I ask him. He looks a bit scared for a moment, but realizes what I am talking about. Niko shakes his head so I shrug and start to turn away.

"Actually I'll take one," he says appearing at my side.

"Pick a sour patch, any sour patch," I tell him in my best magician voice. I could totally be a magician. His lips twist, my guess is to conceal a smile. I'm funny.

We make our way into Calc but first I stop by Links desk to drop off my first set of problems. After we exchange pleasantries I turn to make my way to a seat, Niko is sitting in the back. Shocker. So the kind person I am I decide to sit more towards the front.

Taking my seat in the middle of the row I start to set up my stuff. After a few moments I hear 'excuse you' and 'watch it'. Looking to my right I see Niko making his way to the seat beside me by pushing past peoples knees.

I raise my eyebrows in question but he just plops beside me and ignores my look. "Watcha doin'?" I ask him. He grunts in response but it clicks in my head. I slowly turn my head to him with a smile.

"What?" he asks, a little concerned.

"You like me," I whisper. His eyes widen and he shakes his head but I nod to counteract his negativity. "You enjoy being around me."

"No," he tells me.

"Where are you sitting?" I ask playing dumb. He stays quiet and turns away from me. "You think I'm funny and super cool," I whisper-sing.

Deciding I am done teasing Tommy over here I rustle through my bag to find a pen. While Links goes on his big lecture about vector spaces I draw little hearts over both of my hands.

I am running out of space on my hands while Links drones on and on about Complementary Subspaces when a hand is laid flat in front of me. Looking up I see Niko and he is just looking forward.

So I do the logical thing and start drawing little red hearts on Niko's finger tips.  Fifteen minutes later  the class is ending and Niko's hands are fully decorated and beautiful.

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